Glazed cheeses at home - recipe

We offer you the recipes for the preparation of glazed curd cheese curds at home. This incredibly delicious treat has a wide audience of fans from young to old, and his homemade cooking allows you to enjoy not only the delicious taste, but also the undoubted benefits of dessert.

How to make glazed curds at home?



Black chocolate is broken into small slices, placed in a bowl or a small saucepan and placed on a water bath in a vessel with boiling water. When the chocolate melts completely, use silicone brush with silicone brush and place them for a while in the freezer.

In the meantime, combine cottage cheese with condensed milk and soft butter, add vanillin and mix well until uniform. If the cottage cheese is granular and contains grains, then it must first be rubbed through a fine strainer or beaten uniformly with a blender. You can sprinkle cottage cheese pre-steamed and dried raisins or other dried fruits.

We take the molds with chocolate from the freezer, fill them with curd paste, if desired, make a layer of jam, pieces of fresh or canned fruit or other components, then seal the cheese with chocolate and determine in the refrigerator for five to seven hours to freeze.

After the time has elapsed, remove the glazed curds from the molds and enjoy.

Homemade cottage cheese glazed curds - recipe without oil



Chocolate is broken, placed in a suitable container, and put in a water bath. When it completely melts, we lubricate the inner surface of the silicone molds and determine it in the refrigerator for freezing for about twenty minutes. Then cover with another layer and let it freeze again.

Meanwhile, the cottage cheese is mixed with sour cream, we add sugar powder, vanillin and we break everything with a blender, a food processor or we rub it over a fine strainer. Fill molds with frozen chocolate slightly less than half the curd mass obtained, place cherry, strawberry or any other berries or candied fruit from the jam, top with the same amount of curd mass, smooth it well and seal it with a layer of chocolate.

Place the forms for about five hours in the refrigerator, so they are well-frozen and can serve.