Knee-elbow position in pregnancy

The time of pregnancy is not easily tolerated by many women, although it is considered the most beautiful condition. In the second-third trimester, most pregnant women have different health problems caused by a growing uterus that presses on the internal organs.

In order to alleviate this condition, gynecologists often advise future mothers to practice knee-elbow exercises for pregnant women. But what can this posture really help?

Knee-elbow posture during pregnancy:

What is the essence of the knee-elbow posture during pregnancy?

Growing by leaps and bounds, the uterus begins to put pressure on the liver, stomach, kidneys, bladder and intestines with time. To alleviate or temporarily weaken this pressure can be a situation when the heavy abdomen seems to be sagging and temporarily releases the normal blood flow in these organs.

Problems with the kidneys and bladder in expectant mothers are very common, but if you regularly use the knee-elbow posture for pregnant women, urine outflow improves from the kidneys, the compression of the urinary tract is relieved, and this is the prevention of diseases of this area.

In addition, due to unloading of the kidneys, swelling occurs, which often occur in the second half of pregnancy. All this in combination reduces the likelihood of gestosis - a serious complication of the last months of bearing a baby.

There is also a simple knee-elbow gymnastics for pregnant women, which is worth pursuing, using only the right or left side. So the kid, who has taken the wrong position, which threatens with caesarean section, has a chance to roll over as needed.

The knee-elbow position can be used as often as the body requires, but at least 3 times a day. The entire procedure takes from five to thirty minutes. A prerequisite - the head should be below the thigh level, and only then will the therapeutic effect be achieved.