The first signs of pregnancy after menstruation

One of the first serious signs of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation in due time. However, it is not uncommon for cases when, despite the onset of pregnancy, the menses begin. The fact is that at the time of attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, there is a so-called implantation bleeding: part of the endometrium lining the uterus is separated and removed from the woman's body. At this point, a barely come pregnancy may end if bleeding and contractions of the uterine musculature are too strong. But sometimes the embryo safely lives in the mother's tummy, despite the obstacles. The woman believes that the menstruation began as planned and does not at all suspect her interesting situation. However, there are other signs of pregnancy, which are manifested, even if there are menstruation. In addition, after months of pregnancy symptoms may appear brighter. Let us consider in more detail the signs of pregnancy after menstruation.

Monthly or not?

Firstly, menstruation itself can tell you that a new life in the body of a woman is ripening. Lean monthly - the first sign of pregnancy. In many women the secretions are not scarlet, but brown, smearing, the bleeding ceases quickly. Such "menstruation" can persist for several months, until there are undeniable signs of pregnancy (an increase in the abdomen and wiggling of the fetus).

The chest hurts

One of the first signs of pregnancy after menstruation is the increase and soreness of the chest. Areola nipples darken, a little later they appear Montgomery's nodules - enlarged sweat glands. Thus, the mammary glands are prepared to perform their main function - the production of milk. Of course, such changes women can observe shortly before menstruation: the whole thing is hormone progesterone, which is actively produced by the yellow body in the second half of the menstrual cycle. However, if the menstruation has begun, and the chest is still swollen and sensitive, then this may indicate a pregnancy.

Pulled into a salty

Very often women in the early pregnancy have a constant desire to chew something or eat something special (the same pickles or strawberries). And the desire is very insistent: future mothers empty the refrigerators at night and do not calm down until they are full.

When the whole world is against

One of the signs of pregnancy immediately after menstruation may be lethargy, irritability and a depressed state. Usually all these women experience the day before and at the beginning of menstruation, and the same hormone progesterone is "to blame". However, after a month like this, a woman can talk about the onset of pregnancy.

Find out for sure

If, in the presence of the above signs of pregnancy, you still have doubts, you can measure basal temperature. If within a few days the thermometer stably shows 37 degrees and higher, then, most likely, you can be congratulated. However, this method is not very reliable because of possible errors and non-observance of measurement rules. Therefore, to confirm or deny the onset of pregnancy after a monthly pregnancy test can. And, of course, it is possible and necessary in case of any doubt to visit a doctor: he will conduct an examination on a gynecological chair and, possibly, give a direction for a blood test for hCG and appoint an ultrasound. These studies with absolute accuracy will prove your "interesting position" or its absence.