Pepper stuffed with vegetables for the winter

Pepper stuffed with vegetables for the winter is one of the original and delicious blanks. As a result, you will receive an excellent addition to meat dishes, various side dishes and cereals. We offer you some of the most delicious recipes stuffed with vegetables pepper, you choose for yourself the most acceptable and suitable.

Pepper stuffed with vegetables for the winter with cabbage


For marinade:


We offer you a simple classic recipe for cooking stuffed with pepper vegetables for the winter. Sweet pepper is washed, cleaned of seeds, let's drop into boiling water and weak 5 minutes. Then the liquid is dissolved, and the vegetables cool down, laying on the towel. We carve the carrots, we'll rub them on a large gristle. Greens shredded, cabbage shredded thin straws, and chopped garlic and bitter peppers in small pieces. We stir everything in a large bowl, add salt and stuff the Bulgarian peppers with the stuffing. Put them in the jars and proceed to prepare the marinade.

In the water we throw salt, sugar, pour vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil the mixture and pour into cans of pepper. Let's curtain the lids and let it cool down.

Pepper stuffed with vegetables for the winter, without sterilization


To fill:


Cabbage and carrots are processed and finely chopped with a knife. Then mix the vegetables in a bowl, add to taste and remember with good hands. Pepper is washed, we take out the seeds carefully, fill them with vegetable mass and put them into the pelvis.

In the saucepan pour the juice, vegetable oil, vinegar, we will throw salt and sugar simultaneously in the specified proportions. Thoroughly mix, boil on high heat, and pour the peppers. Let's cook everything together for 35 minutes, and then we'll lay out the workpiece in sterile jars, densely ramming the vegetables. We put the lids on the lids, wrap it in a blanket and let it cool for about a day.

Pepper stuffed with vegetables and rice for the winter



Bulgarian pepper, onions and carrots will be filled with water for a while. Next, the peppers are processed, we take out all the seeds, and carrots with onions are cleaned and crushed. Rice we wash several times, and then we will fill with boiling water and leave for swelling. In a frying pan, we warm up the oil, throw the onions, carrots and fry, stirring, for 5-7 minutes. Rice boil until cooked, mixed with vegetables and poured a little water. We will extinguish all together and we will remove ware from a plate. Prepared the pepper for a few seconds in hot water, stuff it with cooked stuffing and put it in sterile jars.

Tomato paste diluted with water, we will throw a little sugar, salt, curry and chopped greens. Bring tomato sauce to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes, taking off the foam. We shall pour hot filling on banks, we will add in each on a spoon of vinegar, we cover from above with lids and we will put in aerogril for sterilization. We sterilize the preservation for 35 minutes at a temperature of 155 degrees, roll it up with lids, wrap it in heat, and leave the pepper stuffed with vegetables for a winter to cool in the tomato.