How to salt white mushrooms - the best ways of harvesting mushrooms for the winter

Many housewives prefer to use mushrooms for pickling, they have great nutritional value and amazing taste. When preparing winter preparations, one of the most pressing questions is: how to salt white mushrooms? For this, a cold or hot method can be used.

Preparation for pickling white mushrooms

Before pickling of white mushrooms occurs, they are collected or purchased. It should be avoided rotten and wormy mushrooms, it is better to choose small mushrooms or large, which should not be too old. Then they need to be properly prepared. This takes into account such moments:

How to soak white mushrooms?

A feature of this type of mushroom is that the white mushroom is bitter. To get rid of bitterness it needs to be soaked in cold water. In addition, such a process will help get rid of korinok. At its carrying out it is necessary to consider such nuances:

How to cook white mushrooms for pickling?

When the pickling of white mushrooms is carried out, with the hot method of cooking, it will be important to prepare them with an important preparatory stage. For this, the following actions are performed:

  1. White mushrooms must be boiled in salted water, add a little vinegar, so that the mushrooms do not turn black.
  2. During cooking it is necessary to remove the foam, then the marinade will remain white and transparent. Once it is completely cleansed of foam, it can add spices.
  3. Cooking of white mushrooms takes only 10-15 minutes. As soon as the mushrooms descend to the bottom and the brine becomes transparent, they are considered ready.

How to salt white mushrooms at home?

For housewives who want to pick up white mushrooms, cooking recipes are offered in several versions, which involve a cold and hot way of cooking. They have such features:

  1. In the first case, heat treatment of mushrooms is not used, the preparation process is based on their keeping under load for a long period of time.
  2. When hot way, intending to pick up white mushrooms, they must be soaked for 3 days in cold water. Then the mushrooms need to be mixed with salt and sent under pressure or boil in brine and left under the load for a day, then boil again and spread over sterilized jars.
  3. When deciding how to salt white mushroom mushrooms in the home, special attention is paid to the dishes. It should be a glass or enameled container without fragments. The best container is a tub of wood, which must be soaked, so that it swells and excludes leakage.

Fast pickling of white mushrooms

Busy housewives, who do not have enough time to fuss with salting for a long time, should take note of a quick way to prepare white mushrooms. This is the simplest version, which is one of the versions of the hot method. As a result, you will get a crispy excellent appetizer. It will be ready in just a week, and the whole family can enjoy its indescribable taste.



  1. White pearls pour 7 liters of water and leave for 5 hours.
  2. After the due time, pour the remaining water and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Water drain, mushrooms cool, pour salt and spices, put under oppression for 3 days. Transfer to banks.
  4. Further salting of white munchies at home occurs by keeping in the cold for 7 days.

How to salt mackerels in a cold way?

In the cold method it is possible to prepare salted white mushrooms, the recipe of which excludes thermal processing. Mushrooms are simply poured with salt and herbs, spices and placed immediately under the load. They retain all the nutrients, and the grapes themselves are saturated with the flavor of seasonings, which give them a strong and excellent taste.



  1. Pour the milk into water for 3 days.
  2. After this period, put into a clean container, add salt and spices. From above to establish cargo.
  3. Put the capacity for a month in the cold.

White mushrooms - pickling hot way

The method by which salted white mushrooms are cooked in a hot way is especially suitable for busy housewives, because the whole process consists of just a few actions. Mushrooms must be boiled, chilled and poured with freshly prepared brine, withstood with oppression. This method is also good because the mushrooms are not bitter, but with a mild taste.



  1. Fill the mushrooms with water and leave for 5-6 hours.
  2. Pour the remaining water and boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, cool the mushrooms.
  4. Make a brine of water, salt and spices, pour them mushrooms, boil for 20 minutes. Set the cargo and leave for a day.
  5. The last stage, which includes this recipe for pickling white mushrooms, is boil them and spread them over sterilized jars.

Pickling white mushrooms using beets

One of the most interesting options is the pickling of white mushrooms with beets. If you cook this root correctly, then it will save most of the nutrients and help fight various diseases. Snack is ideal as an addition to cereal or meat dishes. From a mixture of beets and mushrooms, incredibly delicious salads are obtained.



  1. Beetroot pour water and boil until cooked. Separate boil the mushrooms.
  2. Finished root vegetables and mushrooms cool and clean, cut into small pieces of breadth.
  3. From water and salt with the addition of bay leaf or pepper, boil the brine. Pour the ingredients in sterilized jars.
  4. Banks close the lids and put in a dark place for 3-5 days.