Amber Hurd said that Johnny Depp beat her, showing bruises

Learning about the divorce Amber Hurd and Johnny Depp, literally the day before, lost his mother, many felt sorry for the 52-year-old actor, accusing his 30-year-old husband of not supporting him at such a difficult time. However, the reasons that prompted Hurd to file a lawsuit, which became known last night, caused a shock even among the most ardent defenders of Depp.

Judicial protection

On May 27, for the first time after the news of the parting, Amber appeared in public. The blonde, accompanied by her lawyer Samantha Spencer, came to the Los Angeles High Court of California to obtain an order forbidding her husband to approach her closer than 91 meters.

The judge granted the petition of the actress, who was paler than the chalk and whose bruises were visible on her face. In addition, Depp is forbidden to communicate with her until June 17. Hurd will live in their home in the prestigious area of ​​Los Angeles itself. Leaving the building and sitting in the car, she could not restrain emotions and burst into tears.

Life in fear

As Hurd said, Depp "terrorized her physically and emotionally", only in the last six months he beat her three times and she fears that her life is in danger. As evidence of repeated domestic violence, she has provided plenty of selfies that are made at different times in their life together. Outbreaks of aggression occurred when she did not agree with him, jeopardizing his supremacy in the family.

Last straw

As Ember said, the clash between them occurred on May 21. Allegedly Johnny came home, saw Amber, condemning the death of his mother with three friends. This did not please Depp, the quarrel began. Friends of the actress hurried to go home, and the couple continued verbal skirmish. When the heat of passion increased, Hurd wrote one of the departed girlfriends who live side by side, that she is afraid.

Meanwhile, the actor continued to rampage and demanded that his wife call Tillett Wright, suspecting that she and the bisexual artist are in intimate relations. Cursing the women, he threw the iPhone into Amber's face, and when she tried to get up, sobbing, tried to get up, pulling her hair, forced to sit down, hitting a few slaps. After that, a neighbor appeared reading the alarm message, and Depp's guards. As a result, the latter grabbed the bottle of the hot one and left.

The police came to the call, but according to law enforcers, Ember begged not to write a protocol, saying that there was no crime, but some days later she changed her mind, filed for divorce, alimony and made a statement about beatings.

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Financial benefits

Commenting on the situation, Attorney Depp claims that Hurd wants to get half of his client's fortune (about $ 200 million) and is ready to use any tricks.

By the way, the judge did not grant Amber's request to oblige Johnny to take anger management courses and assign her monthly child support of $ 50,000.