Gem from black chokeberry for winter

The tart taste of berries of chokeberry often frightens off many who flatly refuse to use them even in spite of an impressive list of the usefulness and vitamins contained in them. But if you cook jam or jam from a blackberry, then it is eaten with pleasure in this form, thus giving the body only benefit. We will talk about the latter today and tell in detail how to prepare the delicious and most useful jam from black chokeberry for the winter.

How to make jam from black chokeberry and apples for the winter - recipe



Especially delicious is a jam of black ashberry with the addition of apples. The latter is better to choose sour-sweet fragrant varieties, such, for example, as Antonovka. Fruits, we save from the core, cut into slices and, adding a little water, let it under the lid for fifteen minutes or until soft. In the same way we do the same with the blackhorn. Fill rinsed berries with water and put on the stove to cook. After softening the berry mass together with apple grinding through a sieve and mix the resulting mashed potatoes with sugar. We boil jam on low heat to the desired density, then packaged still hot on sterile and dry containers, we seal them and inverted we give the workpiece to self-sterilize, wrapped up with a blanket.

Gem from black chokeberry with plum in multivark



Chokeberry is perfectly combined in various blanks with plums. Gem is no exception. Let's prepare such a delicacy in the multivark and confirm the correctness of this statement. Washed plums, divide into halves, removing the bones, but we pick up the rowan, rinse and discard the non-selected specimens. Now, plums and black cherry need to be crushed in a blender or skipped a couple of times through a meat grinder.

The resulting berry-plum mass is mixed with sugar and purified water, placed in a multi-device capacity and set up the device for the "Quenching" mode. We prepare the delicacy within two hours, from time to time stirring the contents of the multivark.

Ready-made jam must be wrapped in a hot form over dry, boiled jars, sealed with sterile lids and as in the previous case, under a warm blanket, self-sterilize and slowly cool down.