The husband has ceased to love - signs

Someone may wonder - why you need to know the signs that the husband has stopped loving his wife, but the psychology of the man is such that as long as the relationship on the side does not reach a certain stage, they can easily collapse. It turns out that such information can save the family if the woman rushes to reanimate the relationship.

The first signs that the husband stopped loving

  1. The first sign of the disappearance of the past feelings on the part of the man is the absence of gentle touches. In the period of passion, the spouse at any time tends to touch the lover. Especially a man is excited by secret strokes or provoking kisses at an inopportune moment. If they stop - the man "cooled down" to a woman. And if there is no sex in the life of the couple - most likely, the gap is already close.
  2. If a man stops loving a woman, she begins to annoy him. And nagging and discontent are shown on any, even the most insignificant occasion. Therefore, at the first signs of discontent and inconsistency, a woman needs to pay attention to a man and try to understand the root cause of irritation.
  3. Another sign of the disappearance of feelings is the lack of respect and sympathy for his wife. If the husband ridicules the habits of the spouse, absolutely does not sympathize if she is tired or sick - love in this man no longer lives. And if you do not pay attention to the first signs - further insults and rude ridicule will begin.
  4. Misunderstandings and secrecy also signal that the family is unfaithful. In a happy family, the spouses strive to understand each other, to give in to something. Therefore, different things, such as a get-together with friends, a man does not hide. But if he has secrets, then the existence of the family is in jeopardy. The exception is if the husband is preparing a surprise for his wife at some date.
  5. The fading of the senses is also indicated by the disappearance from the lexicon of a man of humorous and affectionate nicknames, understood only by spouses of jokes. Together with them, the spontaneity and ease of relationships of loving people disappears.