How to take revenge on her husband?

It is clear that for a successful family life, the spouses need to be able to negotiate, but sometimes it would be desirable not to say a word, but to let the husband understand that he was wrong in his behavior. Therefore, there are thoughts about how to take revenge on her husband for drinking or insulting. Of course, revenge - this is the last resort, because with her husband has yet to live on, and after such actions, relations can deteriorate completely. Therefore, in drawing up a plan for retribution, consider how your revenge will affect your future life, yours and your husband.

How to take revenge on her husband for drinking?

Now we are not talking about situations where a man has a real dependence, in this case, revenge will be meaningless. So it is worth using the following methods when the husband, contrary to the existing arrangements, went to a meeting with friends, did not warn and answered the calls, made me worry, having appeared at home only in the morning, etc.

  1. Stir in the drink that your husband corrects health after a hangover, laxative. Do this every time he behaves this way, let him have the confidence that such a reaction of the body is triggered by the consumption of alcohol.
  2. While your husband is unconscious under the influence of alcoholic vapors, experiment with his appearance. For example, nail your nails, shave off part of the beard or hair on your head, make him makeup, turn your underwear into ribbons. The main thing is how to wake up, say that you have no idea where he got all these "decorations", since he already came home in this form.
  3. Try to punish him with a ruble, especially if your husband is under the influence of alcohol good and at all agreeing. Buy yourself an expensive thing that you've been looking at yourself for a long time, and in the morning, start to thank him for such a luxurious gift. Naturally, spending money is better than what he set aside to buy his "toys."

How to take revenge on her husband for insults?

If your husband is inclined to a place and has no place for using foul language, which gives you serious aesthetic suffering, try to explain it to him. If it does not help, then ask your mother-in-law to work on it, for such people the mother's opinion is usually important. You can also start to express yourself using abusive expressions, so that he looks at himself from the side. Naturally, you need to do it alone, without witnesses in the form of relatives, children and friends.

Another thing, if it comes to real insults, the purpose of which is your humiliation. It's worth thinking about what caused this behavior: a serious resentment or a desire to assert yourself at your expense. In the first case, revenge will be unjustified, and in the second case it is unlikely to help to correct the situation. Of course, you can start behaving according to his insults, for example, called a slob, forget about washing dishes, washing and ironing his things. But, firstly, how much will he review you next time, and secondly, is it worth continuing relations in which you get only humiliation?

How to take revenge on your ex-husband for betrayal?

With former husbands, relationships rarely develop well, especially if parting was due to their fault. And it is quite natural for abandoned women to conceive plans for revenge, an assortment of ladies that are big from the novel with the best friend of the traitor and the small dirty tricks of the present passion before actions seriously damaging the reputation of the former spouse. But often revenge also hits the seeker of retribution, so the best way to punish an ex-husband will always be the ability to live and be happy without him. Understanding that he was just an accidental person in your life, since you could recover so quickly after the divorce , will hurt male pride much more than his questionnaires on dating sites of sexual minorities.