How to live after the betrayal of her husband?

Even in quite happy and successful families, such a sad event for the wife as a betrayal of a husband can happen. This stress is second only to the loss of a close relative, and the woman, after learning such news, falls into a real depression. Learn how to live after the betrayal of her husband, you can from this article.

Life after the betrayal of her husband has many difficulties. Psychologists have calculated that there are four successive stages of a woman's reaction to treason. By duration, each of them is individual and depends on the specific case.

Stages of reaction to treason

1. "It could not happen to me . " At this stage, the woman denies the very possibility of betrayal on the part of a loved one and desperately seeks excuses for the spouse. As a rule, if they are, the conflict fades. In this state, women are ready to believe in any stories and at the emphasis not to notice the evidence of treason.

2. "How could you!" , Or depression after the betrayal of her husband. The second stage, as a rule, proceeds roughly. The woman loses the last illusions and begins to look at the situation quite realistically. Many fall into hysterics and cling to the traitor, not wanting to "give" to his rival. However, some on the contrary just cry and lock themselves up. In this situation, men either calm their wives, or shout in response.

3. "Let's talk" . At this stage, a woman thinks about how to accept a husband after betrayal, and whether it should be done at all. To live, as before, will not work any more: here, either start from scratch, or diverge:

4. "All the same . " This stage, as a rule, indicates a complete acceptance of a woman by the situation. My wife has already reconciled that the relationship has been destroyed and will never be restored, and it is impossible to return it.

Many wives reflect on how to punish a husband after betrayal. However, the more you strive for this, the deeper you drive yourself into the framework of this situation and depression . On the contrary, the sooner you realize that you do not care what it was - the faster your life will improve.