Aivar for the winter - recipe

The famous Balkan sauce "Aivar" is an acute pasta, which is served to meat, and it is simply spread on bread. The dish was so fond of many that it spread widely outside the Balkan Peninsula. Below are the most interesting recipes for the preparation of the Aivar for the winter.

Aivar sauce in Serbian with bitter pepper - recipe for winter



Put the Bulgarian pepper on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. Then remove the thin peel from the pepper. Then cut it and take out the seminal core. Tomatoes let go through a meat grinder or chop the blender.

Purified Bulgarian pepper, as well as pods of hot pepper onions, too, pass through the meat grinder. Add to this mass of chopped garlic. Place all ingredients in a pan or suitable bowl for cooking. Cook, stirring constantly and making sure that the sauce is not burnt. The cooking of the aivara will take 20 minutes, then, having set aside the sauce from the plate, add vegetable oil to it.

After another half an hour, add the vinegar, mustard, sprinkle salt and sugar. Put on the fire and cook until the thickening of the mass, it will take about an hour and a half.

While the aivar is brewed, carefully cleaned jars sterilize over steam or fry in the oven, keep the covers in boiling water.

Spread the hot sauce in prepared jars and roll them. Turn over, wrap with a warm blanket and leave the workpiece in this position for a day, until the sauce completely cools.

How to cook Croatian aivar with aubergines - recipe for winter



Bake eggplant and peppers in a preheated oven. Transfer the baked vegetables into a saucepan so that they properly "propot", so they are easily cleaned. Remove the seed box from the peppers and remove the thin peel, remove the peel from the eggplant, and pass it through the meat grinder.

Warm up the oil, add vegetables, chopped through the press garlic, chopped chili pepper, pour lemon juice or wine vinegar, salt, puff for 10 minutes.

Prepare properly the container for sipping by sterilizing cans and lids. Hot aivar pour over the containers, cork and send under a warm blanket for slow cooling.