Assorted salad for the winter

Canned platter is a great opportunity to save vegetables for the winter. And frosty, cold days it will be possible to please yourself with a bright preparation and plenty to feast on juicy, aromatic and tasty tomatoes, aubergines, cucumbers or pepper. Today we will tell you how to prepare an assortment of salads for the winter, which is perfect for fried or boiled potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

Vegetable Salad Assorted for Winter


For brine:


All the vegetables are thoroughly washed and folded to dry on a towel. At the bottom of a sterilized jar we lay out all the leaves and spices. Then fill the jar with cucumbers, beans and tomatoes from above. Next, pour all twice with boiling water for 10 minutes. This time while we are preparing the brine: pour water into a saucepan, throw salt, sugar and add table vinegar. Stir well, bring to a boil and immediately pour the vegetables with hot brine. After that we roll them up with lids, turn them over, wrap them under a blanket and leave them to cool completely.

Assorted vegetable salad for the winter



Vegetables are washed and dried. Bulbs clean, in apples and peppers we remove the core. All cut into large cubes, add coriander, sprinkle ginger and gently mix. We spread the mixture along the sterile jars, tinting the vegetables lightly. Now we are preparing the marinade: salt, sugar and water are poured into the water. Then remove from heat, pour vinegar and pour the cans with a hot marinade. Leave 25 minutes, and then merge the brine into a saucepan, boil again and again pour the salad marinade and roll the jars. We turn them upside down and leave it for 2 days. We store the assorted vegetables in the refrigerator.

The recipe for an assorted salad for the winter


For marinade:


Vegetables are washed, cleaned, and then carrots and cucumbers cut into mugs, pepper and onions - half rings, tomatoes - slices, and cabbage shredded straws. All the ingredients for the marinade are boiled in a large saucepan, pour the vegetables and cook on low heat for 25 minutes. Then we put everything in hot cans and roll it up. We turn upside down, cover and let it cool down.

Assorted salad for the winter


To fill:


In the prepared washed jars we add cucumbers, peeled onions, tomatoes, carrots, roots, zucchini and garlic. The void between the vegetables is filled with cabbage disassembled on the inflorescence. Now let's make the fill: we boil the water with sugar and salt, remove from heat, add table vinegar and pour in the vegetables. We sterilize the jars for 15 minutes, roll them up, turn them over and wrap them around with something warm.