Autumn depression

Mood changes, changing seasonally, tearfulness, lack of desire to communicate with loved ones, friends, excessive drowsiness or apathy - this is an incomplete list of manifestations that quite clearly give a description of the autumn depression, which annually looks into the homes of many people.

Depression time

The depressive state associated with the onset of the golden-autumn autumn is a psychoemotional condition that has the following pronounced symptoms:

It will not be superfluous to note that psychologists and psychotherapists refer to this autumnal depressive state as a kind of malaise, which is directly related to the bad weather, the withering of nature. Regrettably, this may sound, but one in three is prone to such an ailment.

Causes of Depression

Clear reasons for the arrival of autumn despondency are cloudy weather, gray paints outside the window, shortening of the light day. In addition to all this, not only does the mood become gloomy, but efficiency also decreases, and actions, in turn, become apathetic.

Thus, the physiological explanation of this ailment is the following:

  1. The appearance of pain in the joints and back, pain in the heart, migraine. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. The body consumes much less solar energy than in the summer and spring time of the year, therefore, the production of melanin increases, which is responsible for the manifestation of signs of depression.

An important role in the fact that it is in the fall in the soul of depression settles, there is a psychological factor. The season of falling leaves is the end of this year. Each person freely - involuntarily, but begins to rethink all that has occurred during the passing period. But we all know that few people are able to realize their dreams and desires, and this gives a feeling of personal unrealization. This leads to the fact that a person sees in himself only not demand, worthlessness.

Not only does oil add to the fire chronic stresses, violation of the rest and labor regime, lack of adequate sleep and increased demands from others.

It should be noted that there is also a hereditary predisposition to this emotional state, which is manifested by the unbalanced processes of a mental nature. Therefore, it is women who are most susceptible to autumn depression. it is these beautiful personalities that have greater emotional lability (in other words: weakness).

How to deal with the autumn depression?

Do not despair, because from any situation you can find a way out. So can the fall of despondency be turned into optimism. To do this, you should adhere to the following:

  1. Do not forget about self-esteem. Make a list of your positive aspects, skills, talents. More often in it look, remembering those states of emotional recovery that you experienced at every success in life.
  2. It is recommended to stimulate positive emotions with colors and colors. Reconsider your wardrobe: add a few bright things. Put a vase of citrus on the table. Take care of color therapy.
  3. Do not forget to go out everyday on the street. Try to find in any weather the positive side.
  4. Diversify daily impressions with the help of films, tour trips.

Remember that it is not always possible to get out of seasonal depression on your own, and therefore either make an appointment with a therapist, or look for support in the person of your close environment.