The best books of the world

Everyone who has become interested in literature sooner or later starts looking for a list of the best books in the world. However, there are a lot of such lists, they were made up of various prestigious publications and popular Internet portals. In the present sea of ​​literature it is difficult to choose some of the best books. We offer you two lists: the best classical books of the world and books that will change your thinking .

The best books in the world that change thinking

It is difficult to choose the top 10 books of the world, even if the circle of search is indicated by a specific theme. We offer several books worth reading in order to look at the world a little differently.

  1. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery . This is a fairy tale that conquered the whole world and made you think about the eternal. It is difficult to say that it is intended for children, because an adult will discover more nuances and meanings.
  2. "1984" George Orwell . Immortal novel, an anti-utopia, created by the hand of the great author, is a model of the works of such a plan. The images embedded in the book are also used in modern culture. Everyone should read this novel.
  3. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez . This cult edition is distinguished by the measured construction of the narrative and the constant interspersing of unpredictability. Everyone understands this novel in its own way, which only increases its value. Love in this novel is viewed from very unexpected angles.
  4. "The Great Gatsby" by Francis Scott Fitzgerald . This book is about hope and love, about an empty modern society and the loss of morality and morality. A very deep work that touches everyone who can comprehend what has been read. After the release of the eponymous film with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role, the book became even more popular.
  5. "The Catcher in the Rye" by Jerome Salinger . This book opens the veil of secrecy over the consciousness of an aggressive teenager who despises and scoffs at everything that surrounds him. This book tells of the painful search for a place under the sun.

Many of these books are included in the lists of the best art books in the world. After reading works of literature from this short list, you will learn to look at the world with different eyes.

The best books of the world: classics

In this list we will briefly present the best modern books of the world, and the classics of past centuries, which will never lose its relevance.

  1. "Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov . A great work about the power of love and human vices, which leaves no one indifferent.
  2. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy . This great novel is capable of perceiving only a mature, adult person. Forget that in the school years this book did not appeal to you.
  3. "Crime and Punishment" Fyodor Dostoyevsky . This novel tells about the moral choice, about the torments of man, about redemption and pure love.
  4. "Eugene Onegin" Alexander Pushkin . To get acquainted with the classics again means to see dozens of meanings in it that were not realized before. And the work of A.S. Pushkin definitely needs a second reading.
  5. "The Heart of a Dog" by Mikhail Bulgakov . A novel about a strange experiment that could only be written by a professional doctor, which was Mikhail Bulgakov. He makes you look at many problems with a completely different view.
  6. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy . The mysterious Russian soul, with all its passions, turmoil and unrest, is what reveals the genius novel of Leo Tolstoy to the reader.
  7. "Hero of Our Time" Mikhail Lermontov . This novel will never lose its relevance, because the hero of the time in the 19 th century, and in the 21st has the same vices and passions.
  8. "Fathers and children" Ivan Turgenev . In different years of life this novel is read and perceived in completely different ways - this magic is available only to the greatest works. Everyone will see the truth in the text.

The best books in the world from among Russian classics are works that are really worth reading to everyone.