How to develop the brain by 100 percent?

When you begin to talk about how to develop the human brain 100%, immediately recalled the movie "Lucy" with Scarlett Johanson in the title role. So, from the average citizen of the planet Earth, she turns into a superman who is able to learn new languages ​​in an instant and move cars with telekinesis. Humanity uses its brain only 10%. It's terrible to imagine what we will be capable of if we can improve it and develop it.

Ways to develop your brain to the maximum

  1. We get rid of hypodynamia. It is because of an inactive way of life that we not only gain excess weight, cholesterol plaques appear in the vessels, but besides the brain experiences oxygen starvation.
  2. We eat food rich in vitamins and enzymes. The products-champions for the content of the latter are sprouts, papaya, pineapple, seeds, nuts, avocado.
  3. Not one article was written about the importance of sleep. The main function of dreams is the removal of biochemical products of the brain's vital activity, which resulted from its excessive activity. The less you sleep, the more accumulation of harmful proteins called beta amyloids. It is they that worsen brain work and cause various diseases, among them Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Discard the multitasking. Once a person learns to concentrate, he will improve not only his brain's capacity, but also his memory . First of all, get rid of the habit of doing several things at the same time.
  5. Learn to notice the details. Become Sherlock Holmes, one of the main features of which is incredible attentiveness. Learn to notice small things that others do not pay attention to.
  6. Try to avoid stressful situations. If it does not work out, learn how to react properly to stimuli. In addition, it is useful to practice meditation, do yoga and other physical exercises. Look for your relaxation methods.
  7. Strive for the simultaneous development of both hemispheres. As you know, each of us has one of them better developed. To fix this, it is useful to use a series of exercises. For example, try with one hand to stroke your belly clockwise, and the other at this time - tapping from the top down on the head. Another exercise is that you raise both hands up. One draw a square, the other a star. As soon as you can do it, change your hands.