Psychology of the crowd

It is considered that the psychology of each person is unique and individual. Sometimes it is difficult to give an accurate description, although no less mysterious and unpredictable is the psychology of the crowd. More detailed information you will learn further.

The crowd and the concept of crowd psychology

It is worth noting that there are two meanings of the concept of "crowd". So from the political point of view, it is protest manifestations among the masses, ordinary citizens, who are not sanctioned by the authorities. For example, it could be an organized rally.

From a psychological point of view, the "crowd" is an undisciplined or even an organization that has lost any organization, a conglomeration of people belonging to different social groups . As a rule, all these individuals are in a state of emotional excitement.

The psychology of the crowd, studied by social psychology, is divided into the following types:

1. Active crowd. This congestion of people is marked by a pronounced emotional charge, the direction of which depends on the circumstances.

In turn, the psychology of behavior of the active crowd is divided into aggressive type, escaping and grasping. An aggressive crowd seeks to solve problems by violent means. Capable of disposing of his anger at random objects The rescuing type of crowd has a panicky character when people are not able to access the means of salvation. The possessive type is motivated by the desire to plunder, steal those material values, which, under certain circumstances, became available.

2. The passive crowd. A congestion of people who do not have incentives. This type of crowd can dissolve as quickly as it can quickly assemble. Emotional excitability is poorly expressed. The maximum in which it manifests itself, is in curiosity about what is happening.

Crowd Psychology and Personal Security

Before describing what is recommended by experts to perform in the event of unforeseen situations in the crowd, threatening your safety, it is worth noting that it is typical for human behavior in conflict situations and in the crowd.

So, it is noticed that the one who is in the crowd, decreases the sense of self-control and it becomes dependent on the actions of the crowd. Unknowingly, he is able to submit to this influence. The sense of the ability to control one's own behavior is reduced. A person gradually loses his individuality in behavior. As a result, people, despite the different social status, etc., become similar to each other due to the same behavior.

Intellectual qualities decrease in comparison with those people who are outside of the given set of people. The person unconsciously distorts the information received in the crowd. He quickly perceives and processes it, and at the same time is able, without knowing it, to generate rumors.

It is worth noting that, while in the crowd, one should heed the following tips:

  1. Never raise anything that has fallen to the floor.
  2. If there is a crush, try to stay on your feet.
  3. Do not move in a direction against the crowd.
  4. In which case, get rid of everything for which you can catch (necklaces, tie, umbrella, scarf, etc.).
  5. Avoid sudden movements, loud cries (they can cause a panic in the crowd).
  6. Bend your arm at the elbow. In this position, keep them in front of you.
  7. Remember that sometimes shouting "Standing" is enough to make people feel calm again.

Do not forget that the crowd is fraught with many unsafe factors. Always remember your personal safety when you are among the congestion of people.