Addition of cucumbers in the greenhouse

If you want to get a high crop of cucumbers in a greenhouse, then know: for this it is very important to properly fertilize plants. It is necessary at all stages of the ripening of the vegetable. First time fed cucumber sprouts after the appearance on them of the first leaflets. At this time, phosphorus, calcium and nitrogen are important for plant growth. During the ripening of cucumber fruits, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen are needed. Microelements are needed at any stage of plant development.

How to feed cucumbers in the greenhouse?

In inexperienced vegetable gardeners, the question often arises: what kind of feeding do cucumbers, grown in a greenhouse, like? A good harvest of cucumbers in a greenhouse can be obtained only on soils well fertilized with organic and mineral top dressing. Most often, the introduction of these dressings alternate, and sometimes combine. However, cucumbers do not like excessive chemical and organic fertilizers: this can adversely affect their growth. Therefore, in a greenhouse fertilize cucumbers should be strictly dosed, in small portions.

You can use the mullein for feeding cucumbers in the greenhouse. To do this, for 10 liters of water, take 1 liter of Mullein solution, consisting of one part of the manure and 8 parts of water. Such a solution must be kept for two weeks and then use the infusion. To it add 10 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate. Fertilizer is introduced during the flowering of cucumbers. Previously, they should be watered abundantly and after that pour nutrient top dressing under the root of the plant. In addition, you can fertilize cucumbers and liquid chicken litter .

During the ripening of cucumbers, the amount of potassium sulfate and urea can be doubled. Instead of these mineral fertilizers, you can use a garden mixture or a full mineral fertilizer with the addition of trace elements. Before fructification of such feeding is used up to 60 grams, and during fruiting - up to 80 g.

Once a month it is necessary to apply foliar dressing of cucumbers in a greenhouse with a mixture of mineral fertilizers with microfertilizers. If you do not want to fertilize cucumbers during fruiting with the previous composition of mineral fertilizers, you can use the fertilizing of cucumbers in the greenhouse with ash: one glass of sifted ashes and one liter of Mullein infusion are taken per 10 liters of water.

If the cucumber in your greenhouse grows well and fructifies, then often they should not be fertilized, it will be enough once or twice for vegetation.

Providing cucumbers in the greenhouse timely and high-quality top dressing, you will get an excellent harvest of this indispensable and delicious vegetable.