Plum "Red ball"

Plum "Red Ball" refers to Chinese plums and is very popular among gardeners. It has good taste and versatility. Also, this plum contains a large amount of antioxidants , so it is used for prevention and in the complex treatment of various diseases. In addition, plum is used in dietetics, cosmetology, in the manufacture of confectionery and beverages.

Plum «Red ball» - description

The tree has a small growth and reaches a height of up to 2.5 m. Thanks to this it is very convenient to harvest from it. The trunk has a brown color. The stab in diameter reaches up to 1.5 m, the crown is rounded. Every year new shoots and bouquet twigs are formed, which serve as fruiting. Periodically, it is necessary to cut the shoots to a length of 50-70 cm.

The root system of an adult plant occupies an area that can be compared by projection with the crown of a tree. This must be taken into account already during the planting of the plum seedlings of the "Red Ball." In depth, the roots reach 8 m.

The fruits are round in shape and weigh up to 40 g. They are painted in bright red with a bluish wax coating. Flesh is light yellow, juicy, loose, with a fibrous structure. Ossicle oblong, easily separable from the fetus. Plums have a pleasant sweet taste.

The "red ball" is distinguished by its high yield. From one tree you can collect up to 18 kg of plums. Fruits have an early reproductive capacity - 2-3 years. They can be transported over long distances.

The place for planting should be chosen light and protected from the wind. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil to make it more fertile. Until mid-summer, regular watering is carried out, and if the season is hot and dry, then until the middle of autumn. For winter, the tree is recommended to be sheltered to protect from rodents.

Plum "Red ball" - pollinators

The sort of plum "Red Ball" is considered self-fertilizing. But many practicing gardeners have the view that additional croppers are needed to obtain a guaranteed crop. With this function, the Chinese plum "Skoroplodnaya" and cherry plum are well managed, which is recommended to be planted next to the "Red ball."

Having planted a universal plum "Red ball", you can enjoy its excellent taste qualities, and also use for treatment and preparation of various dishes and drinks.