Cucumbers on the windowsill in winter

The desire to eat fresh vegetables arises in our country not only in the summer. But far from all have greenhouses, and those vegetables that are sold in supermarkets and in natural markets, cause a reasonable suspicion - are they really safe? That's why many residents of urban apartments are interested in the opportunity to grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other vegetables on the windowsill in the winter.

Learn how to acquire such an unusual houseplant and grow cucumbers on the windowsill!

Features of growing cucumbers on the windowsill in the winter

First of all, you need to choose the right variety, because not all of them are suitable for growing in room conditions. It is better to stop the choice either on bee-dusted varieties (such as "Mashuk", "Rodnichok", "Friendly 85", etc.), or on parthenocarpic hybrids ("Gribovchanka", "Legend", "Romance", "Moscow greenhouse"). The first have a more attractive appearance, but the latter are easier to care for, since they are self-pollinated.

It should be analyzed in advance whether the microclimate of your apartment corresponds to the requirements that cucumbers have:

So, let's start landing. Two variants are possible here: either through seedlings, applying preliminary germination of seeds, or immediately plant seeds in pots and cover with a film.

As for the soil mixture for cucumbers, it usually includes humus, peat and fertile soil in equal amounts. Each plant requires at least 5 kg of soil, in which 1 glass of wood ash, 1 tablespoon chalk and the same superphosphate in granules are added. In pots or boxes must necessarily be drainage holes, and at the bottom of the tank, fill in the gravel.

In advance, you should also take care of the space for the growth of cucumbers - stick to the ground pegs about 70 cm high. To them you will tie the whips of a growing plant.

As you know, cucumbers love moisture, so they should be watered regularly, and at first - and sprayed from the spray. This should be done in the morning, 3 or 4 times a week. Watering the same cucumbers is necessary daily, but little by little to only maintain the moisture of the soil and prevent it from drying out. If you notice that because of watering the roots of the plant are bare, sprinkle them with earth.

Feeding - an obligatory component of care for cucumbers, which are grown in the winter on the windowsill in the apartment. Begin to feed the plant already at the stage of emergence. To do this, use mineral fertilizer in the form of a solution (2 teaspoons per 3 liters of water). Each plant needs from 1 to 2 cups of this solution, and when the cucumber begins to bear fruit, this dose should be increased to 3-4 glasses.

If at the initial stage you chose one of the bee-dusted varieties of cucumbers, then when the ovary appears, they will have to be pollinated by hand. To do this, it is necessary in the morning, until the pollen is sticky, to tear off the vagina (male flower) and hold them along the pistil of a female flower, the perianth of which has the shape of a tiny cucumber. And in 2-3 weeks you will be able to harvest the first harvest!

And so that cucumbers do not grow and not be depleted, the top of the plant and side whips should be regularly plucked.

Observe these simple rules, and by the New Year on your windowsill will grow wonderful, fresh, organic cucumbers!