Zamiokulkas - reproduction

Zamiokulkas or dollar tree in everyday life is extremely plastic to the conditions of the external environment, and therefore an unpretentious plant is extremely popular for growing at home . In nature, it grows in poor, sandy, well drained soils, which should be taken into account when planting it in pots. The land rich in humus is extremely dense, therefore it remains wet much longer. Oxygen poorly penetrates to the roots and they eventually rot and the plant dies.

Care zmiokulkasom quite simple - most importantly, do not allow the temperature to drop below 15 ° C and provide watering. Despite the fact that the plant adapts to long periods of drought, it needs moisture, otherwise it will starve and direct all its reserves not to active growth and development, but to elementary survival. Also, it should be borne in mind that this plant is slowly growing, so it should not be "customized" with special fertilizers - they can be detrimental.

One of the stages of care for zamiokulkasom is its transplantation and reproduction. The transplant should be carried out as the roots fill the pot, but how to propagate zamiokulkas, you should talk in more detail.

Reproduction of the flower of zmioculcas at home

When multiplying the house plant zamiokulkasa should remember that all its parts are poisonous, so you should be careful and make sure that it is not accidentally eaten by animals or children.

The dollar tree multiplies only vegetatively, but you can use for its purposes a variety of its elements. We bring to your attention an overview of the following breeding options:

  1. Reproduction of zamiokulkas leaf. The leaves of the plant reach 60 cm in length and it is difficult to root them, the poet uses for this purpose either their parts or small young leaves. Rooting is carried out as follows: the slices of the leaflet, its parts or sheet are powdered with powdered charcoal or activated charcoal, and then placed for 6-9 hours in a dry, warm place - podvyatsya. After preparation, the sheet can be planted in a specially prepared mixture, which must consist of a ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents or from sand and vermiculite. Also it is necessary to add in it drainage - stones, broken polyfoam, expanded clay. Tanks for rooting leaves should be small and shallow.
  2. Reproduction of zamiokulkasa branches or cuttings. This is the fastest and most reliable way. To do this, you need to cut off the stem above the ground level, then cut it into pieces so that there is a leaf with a kidney on each piece. Then within an hour the slices must be dried and the cuttings ready for planting. Gently squeeze a piece of the stem into a vermiculite, abundantly watered. Rooting will take several weeks to a month.
  3. Reproduction of zamiokulkasa by dividing the rhizome of the bush. Adult bush during transplant are divided into several separate parts and place each of them in pots with the prepared mixture. Further care for the plant is the same as usual.

Conditions for rooting

If you multiply zamiokulkas by dividing a sheet, then no special measures are needed - they get well enough. AT