Top dressing of cucumbers with ashes

Cucumbers are almost entirely made up of water. They contain a very small amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and many useful enzymes for the body, minerals. In particular, vitamins C, B1, B2, P and A. The consumption of fresh cucumbers has a beneficial effect on the health of the human body. But to get a good harvest, you need to properly care for the plant and fertilize it in time. It is especially useful to feed cucumbers with ashes . Let us consider in more detail how often and in what quantities it is necessary to feed the plant.

How to feed cucumbers with ashes?

Pursuing the desire to collect a rich harvest of cucumbers, the main thing is not to overdo it. During the entire growth period, the plant needs to be fertilized only 5-6 times. Let's talk in more detail about how to feed cucumbers with ashes. The first stage can be performed even at the stage of plant formation, when the second leaf appears on the stem. The second stage of soil cultivation with fertilizer should be carried out at the beginning of flowering. Then, when the plant starts to bear fruit, the fertilizer with cucumber ash is produced approximately every two weeks. Feeding plants is necessary only during warm weather and after abundant watering. Otherwise, when processing dry land, fertilizers can damage the root system of the plant.

Cucumber processing with ashes is not the only way to fertilize. To feed plants it is possible and various complexes of mineral or organic fertilizers, beforehand well dissolving them in water. However, wood ash for cucumbers is one of the best and priceless fertilizers. It contains all the necessary mineral elements, which the plant needs during the formation and growth.

If we talk about how to fertilize ash cucumbers, then there are several possible options. You can treat the soil with dry ash just before watering. And you can pre-cook a special infusion of ash and fertilize their land. This infusion of cooking is very simple. For 1 liter of water, 2 dining rooms spoon the wood ash and insist for a week, stirring occasionally.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to feed cucumbers with ashes, then the answer will definitely be affirmative. One of the main advantages of this fertilizer is the lack of chlorine in the composition, which is contained in many other mineral fertilizers. It should also be remembered that the composition of the ash directly depends on the combustion of which plant it is obtained. Hardwood contains a lot of calcium, ash bark and straw is rich in phosphorus, and when burning meadow grass you can get ash with a high content of potassium.