Cultivation of lavender

Lavender is an ornamental plant, through which you can create a useful front garden with herbs. The love of man for lavender originates from those times when it was used in cosmetics, as well as in cooking, medicine and decoration. Once Roman inhabitants introduced Europeans to an amazing plant, and now many are interested in the question - is it possible to grow lavender at home?

To date, lavender is grown in the garden and at home. Let's look at the peculiarities of each growing method.

How to grow lavender in the garden?

The main criterion for a good growth of lavender is fertile soil, which requires thorough preparation and fertilization. The most suitable time for planting this culture is October-November. The first year of the inflorescence of lavender should be cut before the appearance of flowers, so that in the future the plant developed better. Lavender loves the sun and abundant watering.

When the bush reaches the age of seven, it is necessary to perform a rejuvenation procedure. Cut off the top so that 5 cm remain on the surface of the earth.

Cultivation of lavender in the garden is better to produce near the house, so that its pleasant aroma seemed even more intense. If the plant is used as a spice, then the flowers should be harvested when they are fully opened.

Lavender is perfectly combined with other flower crops. The plant can serve in the garden as a low decorative hedge that separates the flower garden from vegetable plants.

How to grow lavender at home?

Growing lavender at home will be an excellent occupation in the winter, it will not be difficult. A large assortment of seeds now makes it possible to grow different varieties of lavender. Its colors range from white to yellow, lilac and blue.

To grow lavender at home, you need to take seeds, a regular pot (suitable for the size of the roots) and pick up a bright place. For the house the French lavender, which is less whimsical, besides the cultivation of dwarf species incredibly decorate your house. Too often, the plant should not be watered, the soil must dry up. In the spring, you can take the lavender to the balcony, but keep in mind that she is afraid of drafts.

How to grow lavender from seeds at low temperatures?

Take fresh seeds and sow them in autumn in the soil, then in early spring the first shoots will appear. The most whimsical is Spanish lavender, it is not easy to grow from seeds. It grows well only in a humid climate and thanks to a persistent odor it is often used in perfumery.