What breed of cats is the most affectionate?

Cats are the most common and often occurring pet. However, without them, some people simply do not represent their lives. Choosing yourself a kitten, many owners, and especially if the family has small children, are wondering, and what breed of cats is the most affectionate. After all, everyone wants to have a good "purr", and not an angry fury.

Let's see what tender breeds of cats we know:

This list can be continued indefinitely. Cats by nature are characterized by kindness and tenderness. The most kind and affectionate cats live where they are provided with all the conditions for comfortable living and the appropriate attitude.

Not necessarily the most affectionate breed of cats should be bred somewhere abroad. For example, Siberian cats are distinguished by kindness and loyalty. They love children and play with them, even when they have long forgotten their childhood. Meet the owners around the threshold and try to spend with them most of the time (even sleep fit closer).

Who is more affectionate - a cat or a cat?

A full answer to this question can not be given. Cats are smarter and more accurate, cats are more lazy. But affectionate attitude towards the owners is characteristic for both. To take a kitten into the house (that is, tear it from the mother) should not be earlier than two or three months. Otherwise, it can be frightened, which then will negatively affect his character.

I would like to conclude by saying that the tenderness and affection of a cat largely depends not on the breed and its sex (boy / girl), but on your attitude towards it. Treat your pet with love, do not offend it. And then the most affectionate cats will live at your house, and it does not matter which breed they belong to.