How to teach the kitten to the toilet?

It is difficult to find the owner of the kitten, who would not have dreamed of that happy moment when his home pet as a toilet will use the toilet bowl. However, to train the kitten to the toilet it will take a lot of patience.

The way to teach the kitten to the toilet

To teach the kitten to the toilet, you need your pet's ability to use the tray as a toilet space. And only when your pet is strong enough, and the tray will be the only place to cope with poverty, you can embark on the realization of your dream. For a clever kitten, it will be enough for three weeks, so that the new habit behind it is fixed.

If you do not know how to teach a kitten to the toilet, but firmly want to achieve this, the tray for the baby is better to put in the bathroom initially. Thus, you will save at least a week of time. If the tray is in another room, it is not enough to simply take it and transfer it, the animal will not understand you. In this case, the tray should be pulled into the bathroom a few centimeters a day, until you are near the toilet.

The next step is the conquest of the top, namely, raising the tray to the level of the toilet. Experienced in this matter, cat lovers are advised to use old magazines and newspapers. To rise in height to a cat it is necessary gradually, adding in day no more than 2 see It is important, that the tray was steady, differently it is necessary to begin all all over again.

When you reach the desired height, let the kitten couple a few days settle in the new environment. And only then start by centimeter shift the tray toward the toilet. Having reached the goal, let the kitten get used to it. Aids in the form of newspapers and magazines should be removed. To ensure that the tray does not slip on the cover, it is convenient to use an adhesive tape.

Accustoming the kitten to the toilet, you have to wean it from the filler . Many reduce its number in the process of lifting the tray. Others prefer to use a strip of plastic with a small amount of filler that will replace the tray at the time when you decide to lift the lid of the toilet bowl and hide the tray as far as possible. Use the adhesive tape as the fastener. In this version, in plastic you have to make a hole. Increase its value with every day, and reduce the amount of filler around it. At the final stage, when the kitten is already used to the toilet and water bubbling, safely remove the plastic.

Sometimes a spare seat is used. Ideally, you can replace the usual tray with a special one. Such trays are available in the trade network, they will greatly facilitate your task to teach the kitten to the toilet.