How to get rid of allergies to cats?

Any physician-allergist confirms the diagnosis immediately advise to exclude contact with a pet - to give or give it to the shelter. But a rare woman is able to part with a pet, who has long been a full member of the family. Therefore, owners of pets are often interested in how to get rid of allergies to cats, using the most effective methods of treatment.

Can I get rid of allergies to cats?

In fact, allergic reactions are violations of the work of immunity. The exact causes of their occurrence are still unknown, only the mechanisms of development have been established.

Usually it is impossible to completely eliminate allergy, only to reduce the severity of the response to the stimulus and to prevent the appearance of negative symptoms. But there are cases when the disease disappears on its own with the climate change, the place of residence and in the process of growing up.

What drugs to treat allergies to cats?

For successful therapy of pathology, the following medicines will be required:

1. Antihistamines:

2. Sorbents:

3. Decongestants:

4. Vasoconstrictive nasal aerosols:

5. Bronchodilators:

6. Corticosteroid hormones:

In most cases, only antihistamines, vasoconstricting sprays and sorbents are sufficient, the remaining indicated remedies are recommended for severe symptoms.

How to get rid of allergies to cats forever?

The most progressive and effective method is desensitization. It involves the systematic introduction of small doses of the allergen for 1-2 years with a frequency of injection of 1 every 3-6 months.

An alternative to this method is specific spontaneous desensitization. It may seem a strange and dangerous technique, but studies have confirmed its effectiveness. The essence of such desensitization roughly corresponds to the classical version, but instead of artificial introduction, natural contact with the stimulus is used - communication with the cat. In the first 3-5 days the symptoms of allergy will be pronounced intensively, after which they will gradually fade away, and after 2-4 weeks they will disappear altogether.

Of course, desensitization does not work in severe forms of pathology and does not guarantee a 100% cure.