Ointment from the cold

Runny nose begins because of the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis is not considered as an independent disease. Almost always he acts as a symptom of ARVI and ARI. Therefore, its treatment, as a rule, becomes part of complex therapy. Rhinitis really passes, as soon as the cause of its appearance is eliminated. But you can also use ointments from the cold. They will act directly on the mucosa. This will help to speed up the healing process and make breathing easier.

Types of ointments from the cold

Classical drug therapy does not involve the use of ointments. But it is important to understand: if you use only those drugs that eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis , the disease can "quiet down", but will continue to progress. One of the most unfortunate consequences of this is sinusitis.

Ointments will help to avoid any complications. They may be:

Representatives of each group are used for topical application. Then let's talk about the most popular and effective means.

Does Oxolin ointment cure a cold?

This is one of the most famous antiviral agents. The basis of the ointment is oxoline. The drug is active against various types of pathogens. There are various means of concentration available.

If Oksolinovaya ointment is needed to treat rhinitis, you should buy 0.25% medication. Although most experts still recommend giving preference to other, more effective drugs. The remaining concentrations are effective only for prevention. And if the virus has already penetrated the body, they certainly will not help.

Vishnevsky ointment from the cold

Most often it is prescribed for sinusitis. This ointment is a good antiseptic. It softens the mucous membrane and speeds up the regeneration process. Use it must be local. But in some cases it is more useful to extract from compresses applied over the nose.

Ointment Vishnevsky need to handle the nasal mucosa in case of illness. Not bad, and compresses. The main thing is not to abuse the tool. The optimal period of treatment is a week. If you use the ointment longer, you may start an allergic reaction.

Tetracycline ointment with a cold

Tetracycline ointment is another representative of the antiseptic group. This medicine is an antibiotic. It destroys various pathogenic microorganisms operating on the mucous membrane. Apply the product to the mucosa three times a day. Since this is a potent ointment, it should not be used for longer than a week. Otherwise, candidiasis, stomatitis or allergies may develop.

Levomecol ointment from the cold

Levomecol is made from chloramphenicol and methyluracil. This is a combined remedy. It destroys most types of pathogens that cause inflammation. The ointment has a pronounced regenerative effect.

You can use the medicine to treat mucous membranes. But it is much more effective to put turuns with Levomecol in the nose for 15-20 minutes.

Homeopathic ointment from the cold

One of the most famous representatives of homeopathic medicines is the ointment Vietnamese Zvezdochka. Cooked from natural components it facilitates breathing and very effectively fights infection.

The quickest way to treat an asterisk is massage. It is necessary to regularly rub the wings of the nose, pre-lubricating them with medicine. You can apply the product to the mucosa, but if you do this too often, a burn will appear.

Turpentine ointment with a cold

Turpentine ointment for colds is used. That's just a cold, it does not heal. The remedy is fighting with a cough. Relief of the same breath after applying it - just an illusion. The sharp smell of the ointment only breaks the nose for a while.