Stuffed crab sticks

It is difficult to imagine that a quarter of a century ago, in our regions, crab sticks were not even heard. Now they are almost always present at the festive tables, because of them come out excellent salads and snacks. How to cook stuffed crab sticks, read below.

Stuffed crab sticks in batter



Cheese rub on a small tether, add to it mayonnaise, chopped garlic and mix. The filling is thick enough, so it should be. To taste, add crushed herbs. Now we turn the crab sticks. If they were frozen, it is important to completely defrost them and then start cooking. The resulting sheet is smeared with fillings and folded again. We prepare the batter: the egg is broken and whisked thoroughly with whisk, add flour, soda and mix. Each stuffed stick we dip into the batter and dip it into boiling oil. For frying, use narrow and deep dishes. Fry the crab sticks in the batter over a small fire. As soon as they get a golden color, take them out with a jumper and put them on napkins so that they absorb the remains of the oil.

Crab sticks stuffed with liver cod



Crab sticks are pre-defrosted, and then carefully unfolded, so as not to damage the surface. The cod liver is kneaded with a fork until uniform. Eggs are boiled and finely chopped. Chop the green onions. We connect the eggs with the liver and green onions. If the mass comes out dry, we pour some oil from the cod liver. On the inner edge of the deployed crab stick distribute about 1 dessert spoon of the filling and turn off again. Crab sticks stuffed with liver cod, ready!

Crab sticks stuffed with shrimps and mushrooms



Champignons fry together with onions. Eggs, cheese three on a grater and send to a frying pan with mushrooms. We also add prawns, shredded herbs and mayonnaise. Stir and leave in a warm frying pan, so that the filling is melted cheese turned into a homogeneous plastic mass. We put the warm stuffing on the surface of the deployed crab stick and turn it off again. We put it in a cool place for an hour, and then cut it and put it on the table.

Each of the above recipes is interesting in its own way. Than stuffed crab sticks, choose to your taste!

Crab sticks stuffed with melted cheese



Fused cheese we rub on the grater. To make the filling more homogeneous, it is better to use a grater with small teeth. Grind the washed and dried greens of dill. Garlic cloves are cleaned and squeezed through the press. The hard-boiled egg is three on the same grater as the cheese. We connect all the ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix. Now we begin to prepare the crab sticks themselves. First, they completely defrost, then unfold. Apply a thin layer of fillings and fold back. Before serving to the table, crab sticks stuffed with cheese, cut diagonally and nicely laid out on a dish.