Cleaning the buds of watermelon

The fact that the watermelon cleanses the kidneys, we have heard since childhood from grandmothers and parents. Watermelon cleansing and the truth gives a positive result in cleansing the kidneys of slag, sand and small stones, but it can be quite painful and has contraindications.

How to clean the kidneys with watermelon?

Of course, to begin cleaning the kidneys with watermelon should be in late summer or early autumn, when the season of harvesting and selling watermelons in full swing.

To clean kidneys watermelon is sometimes added and black bread, it's almost all the menu for a week.

To clean the kidneys you need to eat watermelon as much as you can without restriction. Here's how to conduct the procedure:

  1. It is necessary to eat watermelon even at night, as an active cleaning process takes place in the evening and about 2-3 nights.
  2. Better preliminarily at this time lie in the bathroom for 1-2 hours. A hot bath helps to expand the vessels and ureter, and the process of removing sand and stones will not be so painful.
  3. On the last night, before you go to a hot bath and eat a watermelon, drink a No-shpa pill.
  4. Then stand in the tub, stretch on your socks, move and sit back.
  5. By the morning, active urination will begin, possibly with pains, if concrements start to come out, then you can drink more No-shpy.
  6. For convenience, put a bucket next to it or a pot, so that when urinating to urinate you can emptify there and quickly return to the bath.

This purification procedure can be repeated after three weeks to enhance the effect.

Contraindications to watermelon cleansing of the kidneys

During the process of cleansing the kidneys, the most important thing is to monitor the condition of the body. If during such a diet you feel worse, then it is better to stop this procedure, because the human body does not respond to the use of mono products for a long time.

Also, cleansing the kidneys with watermelon is contraindicated and dangerous if you have such health problems:

If you do not undergo a doctor's examination before starting a cleansing, and you have contraindications to watermelon cleansing, then you risk serious health problems, up to disability. So do not forget about it and first contact the medical institution for preliminary consultations.