Chicken with courgettes

Each housewife has many recipes for cooking chicken. The bird can be baked in the oven not only with apples and potatoes, as we know, but also with zucchini. It will also be delicious if a chicken with zucchini is cooked in a multivarquet, on a grill or simply in a frying pan. It's quite simple to cook, and most importantly useful. Zucchini has a neutral taste, so they complement the meat dishes well. Such a chicken can be prepared for a family dinner or dinner, and for a celebration.

Fragrant chicken with courgettes - recipe



Chicken meat washed, dried, cut into medium pieces. Luchok, zucchini cut into cubes or straws. In the saucepan it is good to warm the oil, add all the onions and fry it a little. Then add the chopped breast and a couple of minutes of zucchini. Salt, add a little bit of black pepper and others for your taste of fragrant spices. Fire do a little less, cover it all tightly with a lid and leave to languish for a while, stirring occasionally. The dish is not extinguished for long, until zucchini is ready. You can serve chicken with zucchini as an independent dish, and with your favorite side dish.

Also there is an excellent alternative to this recipe - to prepare juicy rolls with chicken in the oven.

Chicken with courgettes in the oven



First you need to chop the chicken fillet in thin long strips, then cut them in half and slightly repel. Now the meat needs to marinate for 15-20 minutes. To do this, its salt, pepper, mixed with finely chopped garlic. While the meat is marinated, cut the marrows along the thickness of half a centimeter and send them in the unfolded form on a baking sheet in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Do not forget to oil them with vegetable oil so that the squash becomes soft. After longing, take the vegetables from the oven, grease with sauce or mayonnaise, sprinkle with spices. We put on each piece a fillet of fillet and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Now we roll the rolls and easily pierce the skewers. We grease the form with a little vegetable oil. We put the rolls on skewers and send them to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The hen with zucchini in the oven is ready. Bon Appetit!