TV above the fireplace

The fireplace in the interior of the living room has long ceased to be a rarity, it can be found not only in country houses, but also in urban apartments, even small ones. Because of the lack of free space or simply because of the design decision over the mantelpiece, you can often see the TV located there. In order to understand whether it is possible to hang a TV above the fireplace, all arguments in favor of such an option should be considered against it.

How best to put the TV and fireplace in the living room?

If the fireplace is large enough and tall, and above it there is a mantelpiece, with the decor items placed on it, then in the interior of such a room the TV above the fireplace will be clearly superfluous. It turns out that it is necessary to position the TV so high that it will be inconvenient to watch it, unless lying down. If you still chose this option, the fireplace should be chosen least laconic, with a small portal and a minimum of decor.

The fireplace is a highlight of the interior in the room, it decorates the living room and draws attention to itself, if you hang a TV over the fireplace, then it will distract this attention, the view will switch from the picture in the TV to the flame in the fireplace, as a result it becomes clear that one from objects interferes with another.

If the decision is made to place the TV above the fireplace, then they must be combined in composition, be approximately the same in size, otherwise a larger object will attract more attention to itself. The optimal solution for placing the TV above the fireplace will be in case of a lack of square meters.

You should consider more convenient options for placing a TV and a fireplace in one room, if the size of the room allows, then a very good arrangement can be, for example, horizontal.