Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies

Disease of the rectum, which is accompanied by the formation of nodes, pain and constipation called hemorrhoids. To her are inclined those people who spend most of their time in a sitting position and have frequent constipation. Effective treatment of hemorrhoids can not only consist of medicines: in the people there are many ways that people try to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home can be with the help of herbs and products containing useful substances.

Potatoes from hemorrhoids

So, there are several ways to treat hemorrhoids with potatoes: the first of them is the daily intake of the juice of this vegetable. 3 times a day before meals you need to drink half a glass of fresh potato juice to relieve the inflammation.

Also from hemorrhoids helps enema with potato juice, which is put on the night. The amount of syringing liquid should not exceed 1 st. l.

To relieve pain and inflammation, connoisseurs of folk medicine suggest putting candles: before the procedure you need to sit in a warm bath, and then, pre-prepared candle is smeared with sea buckthorn oil or honey. Candles are put on overnight for 10 days.

Honey from hemorrhoids

Everyone knows the medicinal properties of honey from many diseases due to its astringent and antiseptic properties. Treatment of hemorrhoids with honey can be in several ways: the simplest of them is to lubricate the external nodes several times a day or make compresses at night.

To treat internal nodes, you need to put honey candles: roll the candied honey (for this, it should be a year old) in the shape of a candle and insert into the rectum before going to bed.

It is best to use buckwheat or lime honey for these purposes, as these varieties have better astringent properties.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with herbs

In the treatment of this disease, sagebrush has proved itself well: the name of the genus of this plant is not accidental, because from the Greek it is translated as "healthy". Due to the terpenoid compounds contained in the sap of the plant, wormwood has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so wormwood decoctions are popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is believed that enemas with decoction of wormwood ways to reduce hemorrhoids: for this you need to put an enema every night at 1 st. l. facilities.

To reduce external nodes it is recommended to take a warm bath with a decoction of wormwood daily for 10 days. However, before using this plant in treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Also, hemorrhoids are treated with a known anti-inflammatory natural remedy - chamomile. It is useful to take tea with flowers of this plant inside, and also to add a decoction from them to a bath.

Candles made from propolis from hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with propolis is one of the most effective. this substance has a mass of useful properties. Since ancient times, propolis has been used to raise the body's immune abilities, as well as to relieve inflammation. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, propolis is useful in that it relieves itching and pain.

The most pronounced effect has specially made candles from propolis: take 80 g of Vaseline, melt it in a water bath and add there 20 g of propolis. Then prepare the funnel-shaped forms from paper of small sizes, and pour in the resulting mass. Put the paper bags in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and after that the candles will be ready. Use them at night, previously removed from the refrigerator 15 minutes before the procedure.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by leeches

Today, hirudotherapy is becoming more popular, and the use of this method in hemorrhoids is sometimes as effective as classical methods of treatment.

The essence of it is that the leech, sticking to the skin, secrete a salivary salivary secret into the human body, thanks to which the body receives all the conditions for recovery.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women are particularly susceptible to hemorrhoids, but treatment, by virtue of their position, can not include drugs with toxic chemical composition. So, the most appropriate use of trays with decoction of chamomile flowers or enemas that relieve inflammation. To remove the itching, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of external nodes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during lactation

Treatment of hemorrhoids in lactating women also has its own specifics: that the child does not have an allergy, it is better not to use honey and propolis, as well as wormwood. The most optimal means are oils and potato candles, because they are hypoallergenic.