Grapefruit diet for weight loss, effectively burning fat

The benefits of citrus fruits have been known for many years, but the fact that some representatives are unique fat burners has been proved relatively recently. There are many ways to lose weight, in which the main product in the diet is grapefruit.

Is it true that grapefruit burns fat?

The most useful products for people who want to cope with excess weight, have a fat burning effect. Their list includes grapefruit, which contains many vitamins, minerals and other substances. It is important to note that the main benefit is not in the flesh, but in the films that many throw out because of their bitterness, and make a mistake. Grapefruit burns fat due to the presence of naringin and inositol, which are contained in veins.

The first mentioned substance improves the metabolism, cleans the body of the split fats and cleanses the body of bad cholesterol. It is proved that the more red the fruit, the more naringin in its composition. Inositol is a natural fat burner, and it helps the liver to process fats that enter the body. This substance also eliminates the desire to eat sweet. Another fruit contains fiber, which improves digestion. Thanks to these properties, the grapefruit diet is popular and effective.

Grapefruit Diet for Weight Loss

Nutritionists recommend that all people who want to adjust their figure, include in their menu this bitter fruit. In addition, it is necessary to change some habits in the diet and then the result on the scales will certainly please. It is important to forget forever about harmful products: fatty, sweet, fried, smoked, salted, baked and so on. Diet on grapefruit implies compliance with some important principles of dietetics.

  1. Eat small meals in small portions. This will avoid overeating and will maintain metabolism.
  2. It is forbidden to eat for a couple of hours before sleep, but if you feel a strong hunger, then a few grapefruit slices can be afforded.
  3. It is important to observe the drinking regime, drinking at least 1.5 liters per day. In addition, you can drink green or herbal tea, but without sugar.
  4. To get good results, the grapefruit diet should be combined with minimal physical exertion, for example, you can do exercises or jogs.

Note that grapefruit has contraindications, which are certainly worth considering. Since this is citrus, it can provoke an allergic reaction in the body and then you will have to choose another way of losing weight. With regular use of fruit, you can provoke an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice, so it can not be eaten with gastritis and ulcers. The diet is prohibited for exacerbation of cholecystitis and pancreatitis, and even for pathological conditions of both liver and liver.

Grapefruit diet for 3 days

Let's start with the so-called "classic" version, which means eating half an hour before eating 1/2 grapefruit. Since grapefruit juice burns fats and promotes weight loss, like fruit, it is recommended to drink it for breakfast. Observing this diet can throw off up to 2 kg, but if desired, you can observe a longer time. The grapefruit diet, the menu of which will be indicated below, is diverse, so you will not have to suffer from hunger.

  1. Day number 1 . In the morning meal includes a piece of low-fat ham and green tea. In the middle of the day, you can eat a salad of vegetables, but do not use starchy vegetables, such as potatoes. Refill the dish with lemon juice. You can drink tea. For an evening meal, a piece of meat that can be baked or boiled, a green salad and tea is suitable.
  2. Day number 2 . The next day of the grapefruit diet in the morning, you can eat a couple of hard-boiled eggs and have tea or coffee. The lunch menu is modest and includes only 50 g of low-fat cheese. For dinner, you can 200 grams of baked lean fish, a slice of black bread and a green salad with lemon juice.
  3. Day number 3 . In the morning you need to eat 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal or muesli. You can add a little raisins or a couple of peanut nuts. As a refueling or separately you can eat 4 tbsp. spoonful of low-fat yogurt. For lunch, cook soup from vegetables, and for dinner - 200 g of baked or boiled fillets and tea.

Grapefruit and eggs - diet

The most common method of weight loss, based on the use of citrus fruits, is the presented version. Eggs are a source of protein that is easily digested in the body. Many people are worried that the egg-grapefruit diet will help increase cholesterol, but you should not worry about it, because it is balanced with lecithin. There are different options for this method to lose weight and the most popular is the grapefruit diet with eggs, designed for 3 days. It is used when you need to quickly get in shape:

  1. Breakfast : 1/2 grapefruit, hard boiled egg, slice of black bread and green tea.
  2. Lunch and dinner : 1/2 grapefruit, a couple of eggs and green tea.

Kefir-grapefruit diet

Another option effective method of weight loss, which is observed for 4 days and during this time you can throw off a minimum of 2 kg. On the beneficial properties of citrus has already been said, and as far as kefir, it is no less important for those wishing to become slimmer. The drink is nutritious and helps to forget about hunger for a while. Positively it affects the metabolism and work of the digestive tract. Due to the laxative effect, it is possible to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Diet with grapefruit and yogurt means the consumption per day of 1.5 liters of fermented milk and 0.5 kg of citrus.

Diet - grapefruit and green tea

One of the most useful drinks for those who want to lose weight is green tea, which has a number of important properties. It improves the digestive system and metabolism, it is a stimulant of brain activity and immunity. It is worth mentioning its antioxidant properties. A strict grapefruit diet with green tea can, for long periods of time, harm your health, so it's better to use it for days of unloading , which will help you lose up to 2 kg. The daily diet includes 1 kg of citrus and 3-4 tbsp. tea. The specified quantity should be divided into equal parts.

Is it possible to grapefruit for the night on a diet?

People who are trying to improve their figure, must comply with the rule, which refers to what you can not eat three hours before bedtime. At the same time, many suffer from severe hunger, which does not allow them to fall asleep normally, so it is important to know the list of products allowed for the night. Since grapefruit burns fat, it can not only be eaten before going to sleep, but it is also necessary to eat, the more dangerous it is for the figure. Nutritionists are allowed to eat several lobules, thereby useful substances during sleep in the body will be active.