What helps badger fat?

Badger fat from ancient times is considered an excellent natural medicine, and most importantly - natural. It is mined in the autumn-winter period, when animals are preparing to fall into a hibernation, at which time the means are saturated with vitamins, acids and minerals.

What helps badger fat?

  1. Due to the fact that badger fat is saturated with fatty acids, which can not produce the human body, the product helps to strengthen immunity, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  2. Vitamin A, which is part of the product, helps slow down aging, renew hair, nails, and skin.
  3. Great help to the female reproductive system is provided by vitamin B , which is also present in badger fat.

For many hundreds of years our ancestors used a product for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. In fact, whether badger fat helps coughing to doubt, because the regular use of the drug helped alleviate the symptoms of even bronchial asthma. The product is well absorbed by the body, which allows it to be given to children.

How to take badger fat?

Physicians can argue whether badger fat helps with tuberculosis, but full-time courses of treatment and time-tested recipes do not give rise to doubt about its effectiveness. Here is one of them: add 50 g of aloe juice, 100 g of badger fat and honey and mix thoroughly, take half an hour before meals for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Ill children, refusing to take medicine, you can rub your back and heels. Repeat this procedure for several days, and then you can see clearly, whether badger fat helps with bronchitis and coughing. Also, the product can be mixed with milk and honey for ingestion.

Often children, and even adults, are often careless and parents are wondering whether badger fat helps burn. There is an opinion that in combination with herbs such as celandine, chamomile, aloe, the product is able to provide effective help, but still for large areas of damage, you should first contact a doctor and do not self-medicate.