Sage for hair

Sage is rich in essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins, tannins and organic acids. That's why you can make some wonderful hair products from it.

Decoction of sage hair

Decoction of sage for hair is incredibly useful. In just a few applications with its help you can:

Such a medicinal decoction is very easy to make. For this:

  1. Pour boiling water on the sage grass (dry) with water in the proportion of 2 to 1.
  2. Allow the mixture to infuse for at least 20-30 minutes.
  3. After this, strain the mixture.

Use in this kind of sage is also not difficult. It is necessary to rinse them with locks along the entire length at the end of the wash. Apply sage to the hair can be safely, because it has no contraindications, does not cause the appearance of peeling or redness of the skin.

Hair coloring with sage

Rinsing hair with sage is not only a therapeutic procedure. Thus, you can also paint your curls, because this plant is a natural dye. If you regularly rinse them hair, even very gray, then they will gradually acquire a rich and pleasant dark color. That is why the use of sage to treat and restore hair is not recommended to blondes.

Essential Oil of Sage Hair

To strengthen hair is used and essential oil of sage. It has a delightful cooling scent and helps to stop hair loss, restores split ends, strengthens the roots and makes the curls more silky. It is best to do with him a mask before washing his head. To do this you need:

  1. Heat the oil a little.
  2. Apply it to the scalp with massage movements.
  3. Turn hair into cellophane.
  4. Such mask is washed off by usual shampoo in 60 minutes.

With the benefit you can use sage not only for hair, but also for scalp. Its essential oil has antiseptic effects, so it helps to get rid of:

Sage oil can be rubbed into the skin of the head even if it has wounds or scratches. It will help the body fight microbes and prevent the spread of infection, that is, prevent damage to the hair follicles.

If you have oily scalp skin, then use the essential oil of sage hair, mixing it with a teaspoon of bergamot, cypress or lavender oil. So your curls will be longer shiny and bulky.