Porridge for the first complementary meal

The first lure is an extremely important stage in the development of the child. In the first months after birth, the baby is exclusively breastfed or gets a milk formula, and it is quite sufficient for this food.

But there comes a time when the child's body is already able to take more "adult" food. The first lure should be taken very carefully, because it depends on it, how the baby will perceive new food. To prescribe the introduction of complementary foods, a pediatrician should be appointed, depending on the age and health of the baby. If the baby is gaining weight well, he is usually given vegetable puree as a first meal. Children with insufficient weight gain, as well as a tendency to constipation, for the first meal, it is better to choose porridge.

How to introduce porridge into lure?

Many parents are worried about the question of which cereals to start feeding, because the counters of children's shops are full of different brands and names, and experienced grandmothers are strongly advised to cook porridge yourself.

Baby fast-food porridges are usually targeted at a specific age (from 5 months, from 7 months, etc.). They are designed specifically for the first complementary feeding, have the optimum composition and consistency. In addition, these cereals come with a variety of fruit additives, and will taste even the most fastidious baby.

As for which porridge is best for complementary foods, it depends on the particular child. Children who do not have problems with digestion, for the first time, dairy-free gluten-free porridge: buckwheat, corn or rice. If the baby suffers from constipation, then rice porridge is best not to give, you can replace it with oatmeal after the buckwheat and corn have already been introduced into the diet.

When choosing porridge for the first complementary meal, make sure that it:

How to make porridge for complementary foods?

Milk porridge is best prepared on the water. You can add expressed breast milk or a mixture that you usually feed your baby. As for milk porridge as complementary foods, it is better to refuse them, since whole milk powder contained in their composition very often causes allergic reactions. You can cook cereals in cow milk not earlier than in a year.

To cook such a mess for the first complementary food, as a rule, it is not necessary. It should simply be filled with warm water and mixed thoroughly. If you want to cook the cereal yourself, then the groats should be pre-sorted, crushed with a blender or coffee grinder, and then cook until it absorbs a sufficient amount of liquid and does not become soft. You can put a piece of butter in the prepared porridge. Make sure that the consistency of the dish corresponds to the age of the crumbs.

As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare a porridge for complementary foods. The main thing, cook with love! Bon appetit for your baby!