Large fontanel in the child

Parents always have a lot of questions, for example - what sizes of a large fontanel are considered the norm, why it is big or small, the measurement of a large fontanel and so on. By research it was found out that many parents do not touch the place of his location on the child's head, because they are afraid to damage the baby's brain. This is a delusion, since the fontanelle is a dense shell, the function of which is protection. It is located on the theme of the child, in shape resembles a diamond. Why do you need a large (it is also called the front) fontanel? In order to make it easier for the baby to appear in the light, passing through narrow birth canals. It is a kind of shock absorber, which helps the cranial plates to move apart. If you look closely at him, you can see a slight ripple especially noticeable when the child cries. You can touch it, and some doctors even advise gently massage it during combing.

How does the big fontanelle close in the child?

The size of the large fontanel of the newborn is about 2x2 cm in area, but exceeding the size by 1-3 cm is considered a variant of the norm. In the first month, a significant increase in its size is possible. And by 3-4 months it decreases to 1x1cm. In the period from 12 to 18 months, the large fontanel in the norm should completely close. But these terms are averaged, and in each child the closure occurs in due time (as well as the timing of teething or the first steps).

What are the conditions of the big fontanelle that should alert parents?

  1. You need to worry if you find early closure of the fontanel. Then the brain can not develop according to the norms because of the restriction of its growth. It can happen with an excess of calcium in the child's body. It is from the phosphoric-calcium metabolism in the child's organism that the time of closure of the fontanelles depends. All this is already predetermined by the future mother, namely, her nutrition.
  2. But later closing is not the best option. The child lacks calcium because of insufficient intake of vitamin D. This is the development of rickets, in which the bone tissue changes, the gait is broken, the legs of the baby are bent.
  3. If the child has a divergence of the sutures due to the extension of fontanels in size - this signals an increase in intracranial pressure.
  4. If the stitches and fontanelles very quickly overgrow - this could be a sign of a trauma to the baby's central nervous system (CNS).
  5. If the large fontanel grows rapidly - a child may have hydrocephalus.
  6. If a child simultaneously with a decrease in the fontanel, the circumference of the head also decreases, hereditary and degenerative disease can develop.
  7. It is also important to keep track of its size. Bulging of a large fontanel or a very large fontanel (in normal size is 1-3 cm) can signal an irregular outflow of fluid from the lateral ventricles of the brain. It happens when there was oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy, birth trauma, infectious diseases. The second reason is the endocrine pathology in the child.
  8. The pressed fontanelle is a symptom of acute dehydration of the body, which occurs due to intense diarrhea or constant vomiting.


Parents should visit the child's doctor without fail, doing this regularly for up to a year. A pediatrician doctor, for his part, will ensure that the baby does not lag behind in development from peers and will take the necessary measures in time.