Ceiling plinth for stretch ceilings - types

The final stage of installation of stretch ceilings is the fixing of the plinth, without this decorative detail, which disguises the gap, the appearance of the room will always seem incomplete. Special plugs even close the gap, but they look not so harmoniously. Manufacturers have come up with several types of such plinth for stretch ceilings , which have some differences. To understand this specific product, with which many have not previously dealt, let's take a closer look.

Types of skirting boards for ceiling

  1. Foam plinth . Now these are the cheapest and lightest skirting boards that are available on the market, they are installed quickly and without special problems on paint or glue like "Titan". The disadvantage of such fillets is their fragility, it is impossible to bend the foam plastic and it is necessary to saw the material, and then putty cut the cut. This material burns with the release of bad substances, which also stops many potential buyers in the choice of foam plastic decorative products.
  2. Polyurethane plinth . If the room has many rounded elements, then it is difficult to work with foam plastic, you can replace it with polyurethane skirting boards that are perfectly bent. This material is not destroyed by the action of reagents, paints, other compounds, it can be glued with any composition. Confuses buyers often the price for this type of ceiling skirting for stretch ceilings, it is much higher than that of competitors. The second point - the weight of long polyurethane fillets is much larger than plastic or foam plastic, so they bend during installation. Strengthen them more carefully and reliably, so as not to create a gap in the bend.
  3. Plastic skirting board . Excellent properties have a light and strong plastic fillet, it is able to perfectly simulate metal, wood, elegant stucco, which makes it a favorite of the market. To distinguish from expensive finishing plastic skirting in the distance is impossible.
  4. Gypsum stucco . Many people want to emphasize the individual style of this plaster molding, preferring its cheap imitation from substitute materials. Indeed, gypsum has a good plasticity and from it you can make any fanciful decorative elements. It is eco-friendly, does not burn, its durability has been tested for centuries. The disadvantage of such elements is their rather high weight, as well as their fragility, when falling, the gypsum decoration is broken up into parts.
  5. Wooden skirting board . Enumerating the types of ceiling skirting boards, it is necessary to mention wooden fillets, although because of the high cost they are used only by wealthy people who can fork out for a luxurious apartment. Dear interior can not do without a natural tree. If you have ceiling beams and wall panels in the room, then at the final stage you can use wooden skirting boards. They perfectly emphasize the luxurious style and will look very elegant, favorably shading the room.

Some features of fixing the ceiling skirting

Glue the fillets against the wall better until the wallpaper is pasted on a clean surface using modern quality materials. Depending on the type, there are differences how to glue the ceiling skirting. For foam or plastic, glue or putty is sufficient, and the tree should be installed on reliable dowels. To the very fabric of the stretch ceiling, you do not need to glue decorative strips, use polyethylene gaskets, so that the composition does not get on the film. A bonded canvas can be deformed. If you need to cut an angle, then use a chair, this device will greatly help in a delicate matter, and it is always on sale. Docking areas are smeared with glue, and then are filled with putty or sealants. Smooth sharp corners in the interior help the wide fillets, they perfectly hide the defects, but keep in mind that this room will seem a little less. For low ceilings, it is advisable to choose narrow skirting boards.