Chemistry of Love

Previously, the emergence of love and its processes were for people almost a sacred mystery. Now, at the time of the technological breakthrough, the man wanted to know more about this magical feeling and laid it out "on the shelves" at the stage and the chemical processes taking place in our body.

Love from the point of view of chemistry is a whole arsenal of various chemical reactions taking place within us. The lover increases the level of dopamine hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are responsible for the appearance of a feeling of "weightlessness" and easy euphoria. This "cocktail of love" provokes a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of pleasant excitement due to which palms sweat, blood circulation accelerates and a healthy blush appears on the face.

Love is in close relationship with the brain area responsible for having fun. The phrase "love is blind" carries in itself not only a figurative, but also a scientific meaning. This can be explained by the fact that a person in a state of falling in love is very vulnerable to the occurrence of psychoses and neuroses, because at the beginning he is not capable of thinking about anything else other than his partner and not noticing anything around.

According to scientists there are 3 phases of love feelings:

  1. Sexual attraction. It is a primary desire in relationships, because we want to get sexual satisfaction from a partner.
  2. Spiritual attraction . At this stage, the person is still not emotionally attached to the partner, but the level of the endorphin hormone remains at a high level, the blood flow to the brain increases. At this stage, we feel most comfortable, being in the company of our lover.
  3. Addiction. There is a feeling of emotional attachment to the beloved, the risk of emotional disruption is reduced. At this stage, we want to always be together and suffer very much even from a short separation.

Perhaps in the future, mankind will even learn how to manage, these chemical processes inside our body, and then something like a "lapel potion" will appear on the shelves of pharmacies. The question is whether people themselves will want to use it because love is a wonderful feeling in all its manifestations.

Chemistry is the formula of love

Chemists deduced the formula of love, and if to be quite accurate, then a substance called 2- phenylethylamine, which is synthesized in the body at the initial stages of falling in love. Energy uplift, increased sexual excitability, high emotional background - this is still far from an incomplete list of symptoms caused by "love substance".

Love - physics or chemistry?

Feelings have many components in them that obey the world-famous scientific laws. Physics claims that the opposite poles of magnets are attracted in the same way as men are drawn to their beloved women. Chemists say that love is just a simple component that can be depicted schematically in the form of a structural formula. Despite this and until now, no one has been able to unravel the mystery of the origin of tender feelings, which means that love remains to this day only a mysterious force of attraction of two hearts.