Jasmine marinated in olive

Few are familiar with southern fruits called zizifus . But if you are still among the lucky ones who do not know where to get a rich harvest from a valuable shrub, we recommend preparing a useful and original pickled zizifus with an interesting taste for olives .

Olives from ziphys - recipe

Preparing for winter conservation in the form of a pickled ziphis for olives according to this recipe is a simple and easy process.


Calculation for 6 half liter jars:


  1. To begin with, we select unripened green fruits, rinse them and spread them on the towel to dry.
  2. We sterilize half-liter cans and put three peas of fragrant pepper, one bay leaf and half a large garlic denticle at the bottom. Now we fill the tanks with a ziziphas on the shoulders.
  3. We boil filtered water and after cooling to sixty degrees, fill it with fruits in jars, so that it only covers them a little. After about ten minutes, pour the water back into the pan and add the necessary amount of salt, sugar and vinegar. We warm the marinade to the original sixty degrees, continuously mixing it at the same time, so that the crystals are completely dissolved and poured again into the jars, and this time only covering the zizifus.
  4. The remaining place in the cans is filled with vegetable refined oil.
  5. Then we cork the vessels, turn them upside down and cover for a day with a warm "coat."
  6. As you managed to notice, we do not use boiling marinade for preservation in this case. Moderate its temperature is necessary to ensure that the fruits remain intact and do not crack when exposed to boiling water. In addition, with such a preparation, a dense (not soft) structure of the flesh of the marinated ziphifus remains, which has a beneficial effect on its taste.
  7. You can not worry that the billet will become acidic. When stored in a cool room, the preserving properties of vinegar, salt and sugar will be sufficient in this case to preserve the pickled zizifus.
  8. In order that ziziphus acquired the most balanced pickled olive taste, it is necessary to sustain it from the moment of rolling for four months and only after that to take the first sample.