Carrot juice - good and bad

Carrot juice is a real vitamin cocktail, the use of which is recommended to people of all ages. By its useful properties, it can easily compete with pomegranate juice, which is known for the widest range of indications for use. It is also worth remembering that carrot juice is both good and bad. It all depends on how you use it and whether you have any contraindications.

The benefits of carrot juice

Among all vegetables and fruits, carrots occupy the first place in the content of beta-carotene, a substance that serves to synthesize vitamin A in the body. This is an indispensable element, due to which clear vision, strong immunity, health of bones and teeth, normal thyroid gland functioning is ensured.

Particularly recommended carrot juice for mature people, because it is able to purify the body of accumulated toxins that enter the body with medicines, alcohol, food and drinks, which are supplemented by various supplements beginning with "E". In addition, carrots contain many vitamins - B, C, E, D, K, and also minerals - selenium, potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus , aluminum, manganese, calcium, iron and copper.

The use of carrot juice normalizes the composition of blood and blood pressure, blagovestno wagging the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system. In addition, this juice is intended to strengthen the nervous system, and in a stress situation it is often enough to drink one glass of this drink to feel much better.

It is worth noting that the freshly squeezed carrot juice is more useful than the one that was made a few hours ago. Ideally, before each use, you need to prepare a fresh serving. And even more so do not buy carrot juice in the store - most of these products are made from concentrate, so there is practically no benefit to the body in it.

The benefits of carrot juice for women

Regular use of carrot juice significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Especially recommended is its use by those who grow hair or nails, or restores them after building up and other traumatic influences. In addition, the use of carrot juice contributes to weight correction, because it contains nicotinic acid, due to which the fat metabolism is normalized. It is recommended to drink it before meals, because it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and helps to assimilate food more easily.

In addition, carrot juice contributes to the production of female sex hormones, due to which the good condition of the skin and figure is maintained, and also generally favorably affects women's health. That is why it is recommended as a natural remedy for infertility.

The benefits of carrot juice for men

In carrots contains a rare substance - daukosterol. It is a natural stimulant of the pleasure center in the brain, which not only increases the potency, but also makes the man more self-confident, relaxed and free. To achieve this effect, use carrot juice regularly, at least one glass a day.

Harm to carrot juice

In some cases, carrot juice can cause a deterioration in health, because he, like anyone natural medicine, there are contraindications. For example, its use is not recommended in the following cases:

In addition, it is necessary to use carrot juice with caution in large quantities - this can cause general lethargy, drowsiness and even headache. Due to the excessive amount of juice (more than 3 glasses per day), the skin may become yellow and the body temperature may rise. However, if you do not have contraindications, and the juice you use strictly in moderation, then this product will only benefit you.