Carrot juice

Carrot juice is a real treasure among all vegetable juices, as carrots contain a lot of useful substances and microelements. It is also rich in vitamins C, K, E, iodine and calcium. But the most important thing is the presence in it of a large amount of carotene, which together with fats, forms vitamin A, necessary for our body. Carrot juice is useful for poor vision, shattered nervous system, it is excellent for beriberi, loss of strength, improves digestion and raises immunity. The composition of this magical drink also includes magnesium, which removes from the body unnecessary bile and cholesterol. Carrot juice is often used even in the treatment of skin diseases. For example, in villages they are easily treated with burns, frostbite, purulent wounds.

However, in addition to its positive qualities, you must always remember that there are contraindications for its use. For example, carrot juice, even in diluted form, is not recommended for people with diabetes and high acidity of the stomach.

There are many different recipes, how to prepare carrot juice. Let's consider with you the most simple and useful.

Carrot juice recipe



How to make carrot juice? Take the carrots, carefully washing and cleanse from rootlets and leaves. Then rinse again under running water and make carrot juice in a blender. We squeeze the resulting puree through cheesecloth, add citric acid to taste and sugar syrup. We pour out the finished juice in high glasses and serve it to the table.

Carrot and Beetroot Juice Recipe

This juice is an excellent option for strengthening the immune system, it will help you cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances.



How to make carrot juice with beets? Take the carrots, remove from it rootlets and tops and cut into large chunks. Then we clean the beet and also rinse it into cubes. Now using the juicer, squeeze the juice first from the beets, and then from the carrots and mix them in a glass. You can decorate carrot juice with whipped cream and serve to the table.

Recipe for carrot and apple juice

Unfortunately, not everyone likes pure carrot juice. But you can mix it with any other, for example with apple, and then you will get a very tasty, refreshing drink, the benefit of which is difficult to overestimate.



We take carrots, clean and cut with small straws. We put it in the steamer's cup and steamed it steadily for 15 minutes. Then grind with a blender in a homogeneous puree and mix with freshly squeezed apple juice. In the resulting mixture add sugar to taste and put on a weak fire for 5 minutes. Then we pour carrot and apple juice on clean cans, pasteurize them and roll them.

Carrot and orange juice recipe



Take the carrots, carefully washing and cleanse from rootlets and leaves. Cut into small pieces and pass through the juicer. Then we clean the oranges from the peel and also make juice. Mix the carrot juice with the orange juice and add finely chopped ginger. We serve the drink chilled.

Also carrot juice can be cooked for the winter. To do this, pour the mass into a saucepan, heat to about 85 ° C and after that immediately pour the still hot juice into the previously prepared sterile jars and roll them.