Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter

Fragrant, filled with solar heat raspberries - a real treasure. This berry is not only a source of vitamins, it has the almost magical property of quickly curing inflammations and removing heat, because raspberries contain a natural antipyretic - acetylsalicylic acid. Who will refuse a spoon, another raspberry delicacy? And yet jam is not the best way to keep a healthy berries for the whole year. Raspberries are much better for colds, grated with sugar - the recipe for this preparation is very simple and you do not need to be a great cook, so that everything will turn out for you. Follow the instructions.

How to rub raspberries with sugar for the winter?

Similar preparations are prepared in many families. However, here, as often happens, there are subtleties. First of all, the quality of sugar is important. Do not think that brown sugar is much more useful than white and raspberry, frayed with it, will get better. This procurement will not be stored, if you want to mix berries with brown sugar, you will immediately have to eat them or use them in cooking desserts. Practice shows that sugar produced in Poland is not good for canned food, so we are buying Russian, Ukrainian or Moldovan products - it will be safer.

Actually, the procedure of rubbing is simple: we lower the raspberry berries for 10 minutes or for a quarter of an hour in cold water, then gently take the noise and leave in a colander to drain. If you wash berries under running water, you can damage them. It seems that there is little trouble - we will still crush them, but in this case we lose some juice, and this is wrong. We wash the washed and the glass raspberry into an enamel bowl.

Raspberry jam "Pyatiminutka"

This is the most popular recipe of blanks from raspberries . Tell you how to preserve raspberries, grated with sugar, is easiest.



Prepared berries in batches put in a bowl, pouring sugar. We leave for the night or for 5-6 hours to make juice, then with a crush or any other device we rub raspberries with sugar to rest the mass, which is then heated on low heat to boiling, cook for 3 minutes, add the juice squeezed from the lemon and cook for 2 more minutes. The main thing - do not overdo it. The resulting mass is spread over sterilized jars, close tightly and store in a cool place.

Recipe for raspberries, grated with sugar, without cooking



We wash the washed berries in an enamel bowl with sugar and let them stand for a couple of hours. After that, using any device, grind everything in puree. Some landladies for some reason grind the mass through a sieve, but do it It is not necessary: ​​bones of raspberries contain a lot of everything useful and help to cleanse the body of toxins. If you still do not like bones and want to get rid of them, pass the raspberries through the sieve immediately before use, but for now, leave it as it is. Raspberry puree is placed in sterilized jars (preferably, that their capacity does not exceed 300 g), gently pour a few spoons of melted butter on top, sealing the workpiece, close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

A good option and raspberry, grated with sugar, which is stored in the freezer. In this case, the mass, prepared as in the previous recipe, is placed in small containers and frozen.