The norm of bilirubin in the blood of women

Hemoglobin and erythrocytes, which have performed their functions, are subject to processing in the liver. As a result of such processes, bilirubin is formed - a yellow-green pigment. It is an indicator of the liver and spleen, metabolic mechanisms. Therefore, the generally accepted norm of bilirubin in the blood in women is considered one of the main points in carrying out laboratory tests for the diagnosis of various hepatological, endocrine and digestive diseases.

The norm of total bilirubin in the analysis of blood in women

The formation of bilirubin begins with red blood cells containing hemoglobin and transporting oxygen to all soft tissues and internal organs. Erythrocytes, obsolete their time, enter the spleen and bone marrow, as well as the liver, where the processes of their destruction occur. As a result of the disintegration of these cells and the hemoglobin component, bilirubin is released. First, it is indirect and toxic to the body, so in the liver parenchyma it compensates for special enzymes that convert the compound into direct bilirubin. The bound substance is excreted in the bile, after which it enters the intestine and is naturally excreted along with the feces.

Bilirubin in this case consists of urobilin and stercobilin, these pigments, which give a characteristic shade of urine and feces, respectively. Therefore, when the concentration of the compound under consideration increases, the color of the discharge also changes. Urine acquires a dark color, and the feces turn white.

The norm of total or total bilirubin in the blood in women is from 3.4 to 17.2 μmol / l. If there is a history of liver disease, a recent history of viral hepatitis, the indices can range from 8.5 to 20.5 μmol / L, followed by normalization.

It is worth noting that the specified value is considered correct if all the rules were observed when passing the analysis:

  1. Do not eat on the eve of the study. It is better to give up food for 12 hours, but let's say the interval is 4 hours.
  2. Do not consume coffee and any drinks containing caffeine before donating blood.
  3. Do not drink hepatoprotectors , choleretic preparations, medications that dilute blood (aspirin, heparin, warfarin).
  4. Do not starve, do not diet before research.

The best time for delivery of venous blood is about 9 o'clock in the morning.

What is the norm of direct bilirubin in venous blood in women?

The enzyme-bound yellow-green pigment or bilirubin compound with glucuronic acid, ready to be excreted from the body, should not exceed 4.3 μmol / l (in some women - up to 7.9 μmol / l with existing liver and gallbladder diseases) or 20 -25% of total bilirubin.

Such a small amount of direct yellow-green pigment in the blood is explained by the fact that it, as a rule, is immediately excreted from the body through the rectum together with feces and bile.

What is the norm of indirect bilirubin in the blood of women?

The described compound in unbound form (indirect fraction), as already mentioned, is a poison for the organism and is subject to immediate processing in the liver cells. It is his concentration that is the most informative if necessary to assess the state of the hepatological system and metabolic processes.

The norm of indirect or free bilirubin in the blood of women should not exceed 15.4 μmol / l. Thus, the unbound pigment is about 70-75% of the total bilirubin in plasma.

It is interesting that an indirect fraction, also called a free form, is not one substance, but a complex temporal compound with albumin. To determine its exact concentration in the laboratory is possible only after the destruction of such a molecule and its transformation into a state of solubility in water.