Diet on curds

Diet on curd - the ideal way to lose weight for people who love sour-milk products. Curd is useful for both children and adults. In addition, it helps to get rid of extra pounds, after a while, improve the condition of hair, nails and teeth.

There are several options for a low-fat curd diet, but the most popular is a three-day and a week-long option, as well as fasting days .

It is necessary to properly store cottage cheese, otherwise it will develop bacteria that can cause serious problems.

Products that can be consumed on such a diet

In order for you to make your own menu for yourself during the diet, you need to find out what can be eaten in addition to cottage cheese.

  1. Perfectly combine with curd dried fruits, for example, raisins, dried apricots or prunes. But keep in mind that these foods are high in calories, so it is recommended not to eat more than 60 grams a day.
  2. For breakfast, cottage cheese with cereals or bran is ideal.
  3. Another product that can be added to cottage cheese is nuts, but their number should not exceed 50 g.
  4. To reduce the need for sweet, you can use honey, about 1 tbsp. spoons per serving. Keep in mind that fresh liquid honey is best.

Unloading diet on cereal curd

Use this option is only one day. During the day, about 6 times, it is necessary to eat 60-100 g of cottage cheese. Drink clean water, green tea without sugar and broth of wild rose. During this time you can get rid of 1 kg of excess weight.

Diet on curds and yogurt

In this version, daily you need to eat up to 500 grams of cottage cheese and drink 1 liter of kefir. It is best to divide this number into 5 receptions. In addition, you can drink ordinary water, green or herbal tea, but without sugar. It is allowed to replace kefir with milk. Such a diet on curd is designed for 3 days.

Diet on curd and bran

Use this option can not more than a week. It is recommended to eat 4 times a day. Each serving should consist of 100 grams of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of bran, which must be poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. To diversify the taste of bran, add a little honey, fruit or vegetables. Also allowed in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed drink a glass of yogurt.


This option of losing weight is not suitable for people who have lactose intolerance and problems with the intestines. In order not to provoke other serious health problems, it is not recommended to increase the permitted duration of options.