Diet for the 2nd blood group

The largest part of people (38%) are united by the second blood group. It characterizes calm, balanced people, inclined, like their ancestors to a settled way of life. They easily join the team, are diligent and hardworking. Their body easily accepts climate changes, adapts to new conditions, but does not have a genetic predisposition to eating meat.

For people with a second blood group, a vegetarian diet is preferable. They should eat vegetables, fruits (except citrus fruits, coconuts and bananas), legumes, all kinds of cereals. Milk and dairy products should be limited, but they can be replaced with products made from soy (soy milk, tofu). Occasionally you can eat fish (except caviar, halibut, herring and seafood - they should generally be excluded from the menu). As a source of protein, you can eat eggs and a very small amount of turkey and chicken. You can drink black coffee, green tea, red dry wine, as well as vegetable and fruit juices from foods grown in your area.

Diet for the 2nd blood group takes into account the characteristics of the tender mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract of people with this blood group. They are prohibited sharp seasonings, vinegar, all tomato sauces, mayonnaise, spices. Do not eat salted fish, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, foods with a high sugar content, almost all types of oil (olive and burdock can be consumed in limited quantities). Diet for the 2nd blood group is suitable for people with both positive and negative Rh factor.