Hawaiian Beads with their own hands

The main attribute of the wedding, birthday or youth party in Hawaiian style are beads, which can be made from any material: sweets in bright wrappers, flowers, paper and even ordinary colored napkins. Hawaiian beads-lei, made by yourself for a party, will cheer up both you and the guests. We suggest you make Hawaiian beads from corrugated colored paper.

We will need:

  1. Before you make Hawaiian beads, prepare a template from cardboard, carving it in the shape of a flower. You can use the following templates.
  2. To save time, corrugated paper can be folded into several layers. By the way, this task is quite possible for the child, so do not deny him the pleasure of participating in the creation of beads for the Hawaiian party.
  3. For the same purpose, you can use ordinary wipes. By the way, Hawaiian beads from multi-colored napkins will look impressive even if you cut out not flowers, but squares. Moving on the thread, they "raspushatsya", giving the beads volume.
  4. It remains to string the received paper flower parts onto a silk thread, piercing them with a needle in the center, and then bend the petals so that the beads become bulky. We bind the ends of lei, and spectacular Hawaiian beads from paper flowers are ready!

Interesting ideas

Here is another simple way. Which consists in the fact that flowers are curled from pieces of corrugated paper, and then alternately fixed onto the thread by a double knot.

If you have plenty of time, and houses have colorful ribbons or scraps of bright fabrics, you can make original Hawaiian beads. From the length of the ribbon, make a flower by stringing it along the center of the thread. Then tie the tape and fix it. The wider and longer the ribbon, the more magnificent the flower will be. From the resulting details, collect the beads by stringing the flowers on the thread.

No less bright look beads of artificial flowers. The principle of making crafts remains unchanged - the details are threaded onto the thread.

And, of course, no decoration can match the beads of real flowers! Unfortunately, such beads can not boast of durability and strength, but the effect produces stunning. Choose flowers that can stay fresh for a long time without water and with a hard core.

You will be irresistible at an Hawaiian party, if you wear a skirt from raffia (dry grass), beautifully decorated with flowers top and, of course, beads-lei made by yourself.