International Day of Dance

Dance, regardless of style and direction, is the international language of the body, understandable to people of all nationalities. With the help of gestures and gestures in the dance, the emotional experiences of the dancer are reflected. This kind of art has a multi-thousand-year history of development, and each era has its imprint on the shape and structure of the dance. But the century after century, in every country, among people of different faiths, dance has become more and more popular.

April 29 - International Day of Dance

Officially, worldwide recognition of the art of dance was received only in 1982 by the decision of the International Dance Committee, established under UNESCO. In the afternoon, when the International Day of Dance is celebrated, it was decided to determine on 29 April. And the date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the founder of the modern ballet theater, the pupil of the "Great Dupre" Jean-Georges Noverre was born. The legendary choreographer and choreographer, recognized during his lifetime, created the famous theoretical work "Letters on Dance and Ballet". In this book, he managed to present all the experience in the field of choreography, accumulated by him for many years of practice. And even today the book is the most popular tool among fans of the ballet theater.

World Dance Day is a professional holiday for everyone who has at least the slightest relation to the dance. This day is celebrated by teachers, choreographers, collectives of professional and amateur dance groups, artists of all levels, patrons and investors. Honoring the dance form of art is carried out by organizing performances, exhibitions, street shows, dance flash mobs, holding public lectures, dedicating to the dance of telecasts, articles in magazines and newspapers.

In addition, by the international dance day in 1991 it was decided to coincide with the annual ballet festival. Later, in support of the ballet veterans, a prize was created in the field of choreography "Benoisdeladance", which includes 6 nominations. Gala concerts are held on the best stages of the world: the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, the opera Garnier in Paris , the National Theater of Warsaw , the Stuttgart State Theater and the Barlinsky Opera in Germany. As a reward, the well-deserved figures of the ballet receive a small statuette, created by the project of his great-nephew Alexander Benois. And in the field of dance, this award is considered no less dignified than the Oscar statuette for filmmakers.

Traditionally every year one of the most famous representatives of world choreography appeals to the public. In different years, Yuri Grigorovich and Maya Plisetskaya, Robert Jeffrey, as the US representative, Stephen Page from Australia, Lin Hwai-min from Taiwan, Julio Bocca from Argentina and even King of Kombogy, Norodom Sihamoni, acted from Russia in different years. But what country would not be the most famous dancers, they all in their messages talk about their love for this form of art and about the possibilities of dancing to reflect the state of the soul through the movements of the body.

In 2014, with a message to the international dance day, the French choreographer Murad Merzuki turned, who managed in his productions to combine hip-hop breakdance tricks with acrobatics of modern dance and render the resulting combination to the ballet stage. In his address sounded the words of sincere love for the dance, gratitude to this kind of art for the ability to know this world in all its beauty, pride in belonging to the world of art dressed in the form of dance, as well as sympathy, empathy and the desire to help people, any reason to express yourself in the dance.