Adyghe cheese - delicious cooking recipes at home

Adyghe cheese is a national dish of Circassian cuisine. This product refers to soft cheeses that do not require maturation. It can be bought in ready-made form or prepared independently from cow, goat or sheep's milk.

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home

What do Adyghe cheese do is a matter of interest to many housewives. Like other cheeses, this product is prepared from milk with the addition of fermented milk products and other components, through which the milk is rolled up. Knowing simple rules will help to prepare this product very tasty:

  1. Milk is best used at home.
  2. If you want to get a more dense product, vinegar, lemon juice or whey is injected into boiling milk. And if these products are added to the milk cooled to 95 degrees, the Adyghe cheese will leave more tender and soft.
  3. Adding soda makes the structure of the cheese more porous, this component contributes to the formation of holes.
  4. To improve the vksovyh qualities in the product add greens and favorite spices.

Adyghe cheese on whey at home

To prepare homemade Adyghe cheese from milk with lemon juice you need to use quality natural products. It is better to use homemade milk, because an artificial store product can not be curdled as needed, and then you will not be able to get a delicious Adyghe cheese.



  1. Preparation of Adyghe cheese begins with the fact that the milk is brought to a boil.
  2. Turn off the plate and minutes 3 give the milk a little cool, to about 95 degrees.
  3. Add salt, spices at will and lemon juice.
  4. About a minute later, protein lumps are formed, and the serum will depart.
  5. The resulting mass is filtered and left in a mold until completely cooled.

Adyghe cheese from cottage cheese at home

The recipe for Adyghe cheese at home is simpler than it might seem at first. The product is prepared simply from the available products. A little time and effort and will be received a delicious cheese, which can be safely offered even to small children, because this is an exceptionally natural and healthy treat.



  1. In boiling milk spread cottage cheese and after boiling boil about half an hour.
  2. Place a sieve on a saucepan, cover with gauze and spread the cooked mass.
  3. When the whey drains, the warm cheese mass is placed again in a saucepan, salt, soda, butter and eggs are added.
  4. Stir and put on fire.
  5. Stirring, boil for 10 minutes.
  6. A suitable container is lubricated with oil, the cheese mass is spread into it and the top is leveled.
  7. After cooling, remove the Adyghe cheese from the cottage cheese for 3 hours in the cold.

Adyghe cheese made from goat's milk

Adyghe cheese at home can be made from goat's milk. This is a real salvation for those who for some reason can not consume products from cow's milk. In this recipe, only salt is indicated from the additives, but you can add any spices or shredded greens to taste.



  1. A pan of milk is placed on a stove.
  2. Bring it to a boil and, stirring, pour into a container of vinegar.
  3. Milk begins to curl.
  4. Withstand the mass on the stove until a dense clot forms.
  5. The colander is covered with gauze, spread into it a cheese mixture, salt and stir.
  6. Form a cake, spread it on a dry cast-iron frying pan and place on medium heat.
  7. After the mass melts, remove the Adygei goat cheese in the cold before solidification.

Adyghe cheese from milk at home

Adyghe cheese on the whey is prepared simply and very quickly. If you want the product not to turn out to be "rubbery", then it is better to add the serum not to boiling milk, but to cooled to a temperature of 95 degrees. And it is better that the serum before it lasts a couple of days at room temperature and becomes more acidic.



  1. Milk is brought to a boil, the fire is turned off, the serum is poured in and stirred until the milk curdles.
  2. The pan is covered with gauze, pour the contents of the pan.
  3. When the liquid drains, add salt and mix.
  4. Marl is tied up, suspended, so that the remnants of the serum glass.
  5. After that, right in the gauze put Adyghe soft cheese under the press and left in the cold for a couple of hours.

Adyghe cheese from milk and yogurt

Adyghe cheese from kefir and milk is a completely natural and useful product. Instead of kefir, you can also use yogurt. Of the specified amount of components, about 600-700 g of Adyghe cheese will be obtained, which is not only tasty, but also useful, because it does not contain preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives in its composition.



  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on medium heat.
  2. When the film begins to form on the surface, gradually pour the yogurt.
  3. Stirring, boil the mass until the milk is curtailed.
  4. The colander is lined with gauze, spread the resulting mass, leave until the serum dries.
  5. Transfer the cheese into a bowl, add salt and spices and clean in the cold.

Adyghe cheese with vinegar at home

Cheese Adyghe - a recipe for cooking at home is simple and fast and as a result it turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. Vinegar allows milk to curdle well. To make the taste of the finished product more interesting, before the press is installed, you can add spicy herbs and mix it.



  1. Milk boil, add salt and pour vinegar.
  2. All this time you need to stir the mass.
  3. After all the milk is curdled, pour it into a colander lined with gauze.
  4. When the bulk of the whey is drained, a press is placed on top and left overnight.

Adyghe cheese with herbs

Home Adyghe cheese, the recipe of which is set forth below, is prepared with the addition of fresh fragrant greens. It gives the dish a special piquancy and aroma. Dill and parsley are the best for these purposes. This cheese not only comes out very appetizing, but also looks great on the table.



  1. Milk is boiling.
  2. Separately mix sour cream with eggs and salt.
  3. Grind the greens.
  4. After boiling, the fire is made smaller, with a small trickle pour in the egg mixture and stir.
  5. Boil the mixture on low heat for 5 minutes to separate the serum.
  6. Add greens, salt, spices.
  7. Pour the milk into a sieve lined with two layers of gauze.
  8. And after that they put it into a small bowl, set the yoke, clean it in the cold, and after four hours the cheese will be completely ready.

How to keep Adyghe cheese

Adygei cheese of home preparation is a product that is not stored for a long time even in the refrigerator. Therefore, if it happened that you cooked a lot and do not have time to use everything, you need to know how to extend the storage period of Adyghe cheese.

  1. Cheese is placed in a waterproof bag with a clasp, put inside a piece of sugar, which absorbs excess liquid and is sent to the refrigerator on the coldest shelf.
  2. Cheese is sprinkled with large salt, packed in a bag and cleaned in the cold.
  3. The hermetically packaged product can be stored in the freezer.
  4. In the refrigerator, the Adyghe cheese is stored only in hermetically sealed containers, because the product absorbs all foreign odors.