Diet with kidney stones

There is no single general diet for kidney stones, which is perfect for any patient with such a problem. The fact is that this largely depends on what type of stones: urate, oxalate or phosphate. However, in any case, if you have kidney stones, treatment and diet must be used in the complex.

Uranium kidney stones: diet

If your diagnosis is urate stones in the kidneys, you need to create all the conditions so that your body does not have excess uric acid formation. For this purpose, all foods rich in special substances - purines are strictly excluded from the diet. They also provoke the formation of this acid.

So, strictly prohibited:

In addition to excluding these products, it is important to ensure that your diet mainly consisted of a list of recommended products:

In addition, it is mandatory to drink 2.5-3 liters of water per day, this will help reduce the concentration of uric acid.

Oxalate kidney stones: diet

Oxalates in the kidneys require a strict diet. In this case, it is aimed at reducing the increased release of oxalic acid. Limit in your diet the following foods:

It is recommended to make your diet from the following list of products:

Such a diet will allow you not only to help the kidneys, but also significantly improve your overall well-being.

Phosphate kidney stones: diet

With phosphate stones, a diet should consist of products containing acid radicals, but all that has alkaline properties should be excluded.

The list of prohibited products includes:

The ration is best made of the following products:

Do not forget that you need to eat a fraction: 5-6 times a day in small portions.