Gel for teeth whitening

Who does not dream of possessing an impeccable smile? As aesthetic dentistry developed, a lot of ways to correct the dentition and whiten teeth were invented. Today we will talk about special gels that make teeth white.

The use of gels

There are two ways to use a whitening gel for teeth:

The first method involves the use of funds with a sparing composition - the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in them is less than 3%. The gel is covered with clean teeth, while the product seizes. During the day, upon contact with saliva, the applied layer is erased. To have a lasting effect from using such a gel for home teeth whitening, you need to apply it daily for two weeks.

The second method involves wearing a special plastic mouthguard. She is worn for the night or during the day for several hours. Kappu makes a dentist on an individual impression, but you can buy a standard mold. Kappa does not allow the gel to contact the gums, which is very important in the process of bleaching.

Which gel for teeth is better?

In pharmacies, you can find both very cheap gels for home bleaching, and expensive products. Budget gels of dubious quality can cause tooth enamel and gums irreparable harm, so it's better not to save and buy a product approved by professionals.

  1. ExpertWhitening Whitening Gel : offered in different concentrations, the strongest - 40%. Depending on the concentration of the price of the funds is 30 - 40 cu. The product is approved by the Office of Drug Control.
  2. Smile4You Ultimate Whitening Gel : the most expensive (from $ 30) and the most effective gel, complete with which is provided with a universal kappa. Means enough for 200 times. The manufacturer of the gel gives a two-week warranty.
  3. Opalescence TresWhite Supreme : the remedy is widely used by American and domestic dentists; is sold in various concentrations. For a perfect effect, just apply the gel daily for only 30 minutes. The cost of a kit with tubes is 15 cu on average.
  4. Day White Excel ACP is a high-speed tool that reduces the whitening rate by 85%. The solution is enough for nine procedures, and this is quite enough. The cost of gel is from 15 to 50 cu.
  5. Colgate Visible White : Available in three different concentrations, and one set is enough for a whole year. Such a device will cost $ 30.

Be careful!

The procedure for teeth whitening must be approved by the dentist. It is inadmissible to cover the teeth with a gel when: